My guidance for a life well-lived.
I hope it resonates.
Our need for authenticity and attachment - Part One
Gabor’s question is, how can we be interrelated, connected and still be ourselves? Your authenticity will be sacrificed every time so you’ll be accepted. (This is what you did for survival, and leads to adaptation of the true self). You ‘adapt’ to fit in.
Do you have to be vulnerable?
This has been the most challenging skill for me. It’s because our basic human instinct needs belonging and connection. What if me being me makes me unlovable?
What women crave
You may look at this as a wish list, but I’m here to tell you it exists. But it requires openness and skill. Some have it, others don’t. But if you wish to aspire to it, I’m here to tell you that you are in for some fun in your near future!
A woman that can surrender definitely has a good man beside her.
What men crave
A while back I watched a video and took rough notes from John Wineland, where he did a ‘Plea to Women’ from men. He works with men on intimacy, embodiment and purpose.
Where does emotional hurt come from?
You’ve got to admit - all emotional hurt comes from your past.
That’s why to really heal you have to go back.
Not for long, but healing will allow you to move forward with anticipation without bringing yesterday’s pain to a future experience. Without healing, the pain doesn’t just go away. And that’s hard.
Stillness and the power of now
Want to reduce stress?
Want to rid yourself of past memories bombarding your mind?
Want to feel relaxed, in your body and be present to those you love?
Are you open or closed?
This share today is about energy. And how it relates to our heart energy.
What do you think about this perspective on the heart and healing?
During a heartbreak period your body protects you. You become ‘closed.’
What is love anyway?
Love - is a verb. Yet we ‘love’ for the feeling of it. Of course, it does produce a feeling, but it’s more than that.
To marry, or not to marry?
As per last Saturday’s inSight this is the continuation. OK, so you have experienced the ‘state’ of the fairytale. You really know your person and you still love having sex with them.
This doesn’t mean they will be your ‘happily ever after.’ You know why? Because if you knew you’d have them forever, I fear you might get lazy.
Can a man and woman just be friends?
There are lovers and there are friends. But after say 30, I would guess that most of your friends tend to be of the same sex. I’m asking you the universal and timeless question - can a guy and girl just be friends?
Are you doing the work to heal?
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how people heal, deal with old trauma and tend to their personal challenges.
What's your definition of compromise?
C O M P R O M I S E: doing something you don’t want to do.
What does it mean to you?
Can you handle the truth?
There’s a difference between being brutally honest and speaking your truth. The former can be abrupt and may lack compassion in your delivery. This will easily cause defensiveness in the other. I know this from experience. Heck, you probably do too by now. ;)
Got anxiety?
I recently listened to the podcast: ManTalks - Motivation, Anxiety and the Science of Stuck with Britt Frank. I’ve listened to her before and absolutely recommend her if you have issues with anxiety. She’s quick and knows her stuff!
Here’s my summary if you can’t find the time to listen to the full episode.
Anxiety is not a thinking problem, it’s a body problem.
The painstaking effects of grief
I’m seeing a lot of grief going on around me so I felt compelled to write about it. I believe this is yet another emotion that connects us all, as we have either dealt with this or will deal with it at some point.
Got a New Year dream?
Are you a dreamer or a realist? If you could have one New Year wish fulfilled, what would it be? This is all about dreaming big. This is ‘genie in the bottle’ kind of big. No limits. Do you remember to dream? To imagine?
Crazy holiday season
The holidays are a perfect time for lots of great food, drinks, games, conversations and maybe too many days spent in the same house, tight quarters and everyone's issues piling into the same room!
We can be tired from late nights, a little too much Christmas cheer, and pressure to be our best. It’s Christmas after all, shouldn’t everyone be in peace and joy?
Have you ever?
I bet that subject made you look! It’s not about the drinking game… sorry. Haha
Here’s a perception that grounds me and delivers compassion to others. As much as you are so very unique, you’re also quite similar to others.