The most important thing

Well, another year falls upon us, and we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves about this ‘new year’ ‘new you’ thing. In the hopes of keeping things simple, I have a question for you that might help:

What’s the most important thing you do that keeps you in a good (great) place?

If you can’t answer this yet, I truly hope you will figure this out very soon. The sooner the better only because I want you to be able to stay in a good place more often than you did last year. Up and up we go!! And I have no desire to tell you what it ‘should’ be for you. As a sharer of my knowledge though, here’s my example:

I have to stay in alignment and connected to my inner guidance. And the only way I have achieved this consistently and long term is by meditation.

Remember, I asked the most important thing. This doesn't hide the fact that I also need to get good sleep, exercise, eat well and have connection to others. Those things are also super important for me. But it seems when I stay consistent in meditation it allows me to make better decisions across my whole life.

Over the holidays with my sister and her family, I committed to continue my daily spiritual practice because I do know the importance of it. But it has been tough (over the years) to stay on track with so much distraction and away from my typical routines.

So, at bedtime, even after a bunch of drinks, crawling in beside my 11 year old niece, I would get my earphones on and I did it. Morning also. The cutest part was when each of the twins would grab one of my earphones and do it with me. Beckem said, “oh Auntie this just makes me feel so calm.” Madison said, “that voice is annoying.” Lol. Each to their own. It’s personal!

Here’s the point - I noticed this was the first year I was so consistent with it and also the first year I wasn’t dying to get home to have time to myself.

But hey, words don’t teach. Try it for yourself and see what happens!

Here’s some more benefits you might receive from it. (I know I’ve written about meditating in a past blog, but it gets better, as I get better):

  • Allows you to be in tune with what you need

  • Makes you not look outside yourself for comfort

  • You feel supported when you can surrender your challenges to the one place that listens and answers (this one place is personal and I hope you find yours)

  • You are clear, centered, aligned, energetic, positive. (so the opposite of cluttered, fragmented, stressed, worried)

  • You're quick-witted and idea’s flow to you with ease

  • Keeps you in love and out of judgment (for yourself and others)

  • You're willing to see things differently and can consciously choose love over fear

So, in answering this question for myself last weekend, I realized this precious container I create daily within myself allows me to stay a teammate to myself.

You're not alone and you will be gifted with relief from hard things if you stay consistent. Find that safe place within you that is calling you. I promise it’s worth the time.

"You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day, unless you're too busy; then you should sit for an hour"

-Old Zen saying

Any questions on this topic? Contact me:

PS. Got any topics you'd like me to write about, or questions you'd like my viewpoint on? Just email me and let me know!

All my love to you,
Kristi  💛

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

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