Our need for authenticity and attachment - Part One

Hello there!

There is no need to reinvent the wheel. When I hear good stuff, I share it. I understand most people don’t have the time to read and study all of the things I do, so here is more from Gabor Maté.

Applying this is another story, which is why I hope you have someone to work through this with. This is where the practice and real results reside, in my opinion.

Gabor’s question is, how can we be interrelated, connected and still be ourselves?

It’s so important to be in touch with your feelings. There is your gut and then there is strong emotion. They are different. Always go with your gut. Strong emotion can be tangled up in fear and ego.

Your authenticity will be sacrificed every time so you’ll be accepted. (This is what you did for survival, and leads to adaptation of the true self). You ‘adapt’ to fit in.

Think about the layers you put on to handle cold weather. When it’s hot, you have no need for the layers. Just like, what masks are you wearing today, that even though they protected you as a child, you have no need for them today as an adult.

Illness is adapting in early life and was necessary, but wasn’t conscious. You just knew the appropriate clothes for the weather conditions.

You could look at illness as manifesting something about your life. But let’s not learn this way! (Although, many illnesses have brought many people to a better place and they wouldn’t take it back because of where it brought them to).

He says “suffer your way to truth, not illness. Struggle your way to authenticity.”

Inauthenticity will stress you out! Beware.

Thomas Murton said (well before social media) - “What a strange existence it is to live only in other people's imaginations.”

More on this next week…

From my ‘adaptations’ to yours - what is buried beneath your masks, is beautiful and complete, just because you are you.

All my love,
K ❤️

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!


Our need for authenticity and attachment - Part Two


Do you have to be vulnerable?