My guidance for a life well-lived.
I hope it resonates.
Some last thoughts for 2023
May the end of this year bring new dreams and desires to the one ahead. Cheers to you as we embark on another chapter of our journey.
A morning ritual to begin your day peaceful
In the hustle and bustle of the season, I thought this might be a helpful inSight to bring a little 'literal' peace to your heart (if you do it)!
The power of beliefs
The thing with beliefs is, just because you have them, doesn’t mean you’re right.
Boundaries, requests and control
You are responsible for your own domain and you have the right to it.
What to do when you’re triggered
The thing about learning and growing is it can take time to apply it properly without being uncomfortable or defensive.
Some ways to live in love
Living in love sounds easy, and I have to tell you, from my experience, it ain’t always so!
The 3 dimensions of reality
As we expand our consciousness, we open up to our infinite potential. Think of it as a process/journey of your soul.
What is alignment?
What is alignment? It’s the sum of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.
Life's journey of questions and discovery
I’ve always asked big questions about life. I’ve discovered that what I wanted wasn’t always what I needed.
It's more than just 'believing' you can
Yes, I believe in miracles. I believe that dreams come true. I believe that thoughts create things. Do you? I also believe these beliefs only account for half of what it takes to turn your desires into reality.
Move from fear into love
If there’s someone bugging you - that’s your ego. That’s you thinking a situation should be the way you want it to be.
Making peace in life or in death
If there is something gnawing at your heart, I want to encourage you to deal with it. I believe there will be a time you’ll have to make peace with things at some point - in life or in death.
Starting a new romance?
Here’s the thing - some opportunities work out and some don’t. There will always be another opportunity, so don’t get discouraged.
There are so many unanswered questions in the beginning.
Making a decision
There are times in life when you have to make a decision. It’s about being intentional and knowing the direction you’re heading. (Please, have a vision for your life)!
Who can you trust?
This is a big question and for which there can be many answers. I’ll try to make it real simple for ya.
The journey within
If you have a desire to live your life with inner peace, joy, freedom and love, please know that this road to ‘enlightenment’ never ends. You don’t really ever ‘get there.’ And no one is handing out a certificate of achievement.