Some ways to live in love
Well hello there,
Living in love sounds easy, and I have to tell you, from my experience, it ain’t always so!
But I get opportunities to practice this on a daily basis and I know you do as well. Here are some tips, again from Sara Landon that I wanted to share with you.
When a challenging situation comes:
Stay in your power - and don’t react. Tell yourself, my presence is powerful here.
Go deeper and let the highest (pure love) come through you.
(I’ll explain in the coming newsletters how to do this, because it’s not as easy as it seems, especially if you are in the middle of a trigger).
Love and approve of yourself
Love your WHOLE life and see how love shows up
Don’t deny yourself love - no matter what's in your bank account, whether you have a partner or if you like your body.
Notice when you’re not loving yourself and get back to it. Slow down.
Do you ever really have a bad day? Your answer can be no. We just sometimes need to adjust. Tough times have lots of love and blessings in them. We can have peace during a storm.
The key is to practice this stuff when things are good. It’s just easier.
If you’re not in the present moment you can feel overwhelmed. You can stay consumed in what you did or what you need to do.
“You’ll know what you need to know, when you need to know it.”
Don’t judge yourself when you’re having a bad moment. No more being hard on yourself. Get back to the moment. Stillness is the access point to everything. Savor the moment. Be satiated. Be totally full.
“Absolutely nothing could make me any happier than I am right now.”
(I put this post-it on my fridge)! It seems odd at first, because of course you could be happier. But in this moment, what's better than realizing this is a choice you have! Give it time, it becomes easier. Feel the truth in it. Repeat it. Expansion will happen and good things will begin to show up.
Is it hard for you to be happy with all the terrible things you see going on in the world? Well, your suffering won’t alleviate the suffering of others. What you are feeling in this moment is what you are contributing to the collective. The power we have is within ourselves.
Stay present
What do you want to contribute?
Take the time to go into your body. What does it feel like? How do you want to feel? (Peace, for example)
Consciously and intentionally feel peace in every cell of your body. Peace feels calm, it feels easy, it goes with the flow, it feels relaxed, it feels free, it feels light. Then fill the room you’re in with this feeling. Then see it going into the heart of that person or situation.