29 important life skills and a gift if you want it!

Are you really ready to evolve?

You may wonder, what could possibly be the correlation between getting what I want and healing? Well, it's everything, and it all has to do with you, no one else.

Here’s what I want to do for you. Pick something in your life that you desire. I like big stuff, so pick something you’ve wanted for a long time and yet for some reason you just haven’t attained it.

I will suggest the skills I think you might require in order for this desire to manifest. But - I also will need to know WHY you want it.

  1. What is YOUR heart's desire?

  2. Why do you want it?

For those of you really serious, we can even jump on a Zoom call to discuss it. First one is on me. 🎁

It’s great to visualize and dream and read and talk and share and analyze. But true creation takes skill, commitment, consistency and a willingness to see things differently. (In my experience).

I support my clients by understanding what they really want, teaching them the skills they'll need and then I walk them through how to apply it to their daily lives. I’m sure there are a ton more, but I only teach what’s worked for me through my own personal experiments.

These 29 skills just keep on being used in every situation I find myself and others in. And oftentimes, if not every time, we need to use multiple skills to deal with one issue!

Example: On a call with a friend the other day, a situation with his Dad had me explaining how compassion, forgiveness, vision, clarity, love, boundaries, acceptance and appreciation would all help him to release his hurt and anger towards his father. If he wanted to. That part is important.

Now, this doesn’t happen all at once as healing takes time to reflect and a willingness to learn and apply new skills.

This process can be quick and easy. When you want something it's because you're meant to have it. I hold the space of belief for you while you make your transition and build the bridge to the version of you that you know yourself to be. I help you to be consistent so that you stop holding yourself back in old patterns.

I can so easily understand why some people will choose to just shut down and shut people out. It seems like this is the easier path, but I do believe this has something to do with the dis-ease on our planet today. It also robs us of our joy and full potential.

Our days of information are over. We know. It’s time to do the work if you want a more peaceful and joyful life. And believe me - inner work is fascinating!!! It’s fun. It’s empowering. It’s liberating. It's all about you!

What’s hard sometimes is remembering the new way.

You already have these skills programmed within you, but some need sharpening and practice putting into action. Once they become a part of your conscious tool kit, I can assure you, your life will become easier and more enjoyable and all the things you've wanted will flow to you.


  • Acceptance

  • Self Love

  • Forgiveness

  • Present moment awareness

  • Faith and trust

  • Non-judgment

  • Honesty

  • Kind communication

  • Confidence

  • Courage

  • Clarity

  • Compassion

  • Awareness of self and others

  • Worthiness

  • Authenticity

  • Teach people how to treat you

  • Balance

  • Gratitude

  • Emotional intelligence

  • Love and kindness

  • Intuition

  • Reprogramming

  • Consistency

  • Accountability

  • Continued learning

  • Implementation

  • Boundaries and follow through

  • Becoming comfortable in uncomfortable situations

  • Inner reflection, quiet contemplation, meditation

    All my love,
    K 💛

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!


What is alignment?


Life's journey of questions and discovery