What is alignment?

Hello there!

2 weeks ago I mentioned the importance of keeping yourself aligned. What is alignment? It’s the sum of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.

Physical - Your suit of clothes. It’s your vehicle to get around on this 3D plane. Check in with your physical self. Is everything running OK? If not, it might be time to look at your other aspects. Physical issues are a great indicator of true alignment.

Mental - How you process information. Your thinking, your attitude. Is it cluttered in there? Can you access your heart or are you living neck up and staying all in your head? Does your mind ever get a break?

Emotional - How you feel. Emotions need to be felt, not to suppress and push away. How are you feeling? This is enough for now. Just be aware. Once emotions are acknowledged, and released, things go back to normal. Knowing, this too shall pass.

Spiritual - Your connection to the world beyond your physical senses. The cosmic forces that are unexplainable. Miracles, deja vu, serendipity, coincidences, blessings, grace. This is the realm of the spirit world (universe, energy, God, source). This is not religious. This is how you access your internal world and how you gain access to your intuition. If you are too much in your head, you don’t hear the voice within. This is all about present moment awareness and accessing something bigger than yourself. What is that something? That’s for you to discover. You will never feel alone again once you access this place in you.

So to summarize, you need a physical body to move around on the planet. Your mental mind and how you process your life will affect your emotional state. Having a spiritual context allows you to feel a sense of belonging, wonder and awe on this rollercoaster ride. It’s where the bigger questions come from and creates the bridge from feeling alone to feeling connected. We use other people for a while, until you come to realize all you are is love and you don’t need to look outside to feel better.

You can see then, when all of these facets are working together, you feel the best. If I’ve got something bothering me, say an issue with a friend or family member, I won’t feel at ease. So then I have to deal with it. Your body, heart or soul will all let you know when something is ‘off.’ And it’s your responsibility to figure it out and fix it.

Sometimes we need a conversation, sometimes a shift in perception/perspective, sometimes a boundary, sometimes more rest or more physical activity. I always need meditation. It’s how I learn what is going on in every aspect of my life. It’s where I ‘check-in’ with what’s going on.

This is all about being in flow. And remember, we are just energy. And energy can be transformed.

If you aren’t sure where to start, I suggest taking 5 minutes and ask yourself:

How am I doing physically? Do I enjoy my body? Do I have any physical pain? How’s my mind? Am I overwhelmed or foggy? How’s my heart? Am I tuned into what I’m feeling? Do I feel connected to the power of the universe, grounded and able to attune to my intuition?

This in my opinion, is true balance. When all engines are running smoothly, there’s no need for breakdowns. Until of course, something does (and it will). Then we manage it. Rinse and repeat, this is life! Hahaha.

K 💛

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!


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