It's more than just 'believing' you can

Hey there!

Yes, I believe in miracles. I believe that dreams come true. I believe that thoughts create things. Do you?

I also believe these beliefs only account for half of what it takes to turn your desires into reality.

#1 - you have to believe you can be, do, have whatever it is you are wanting. And if you don’t, just give it up. Honestly. Just accept whatever it is because you won’t have the fortitude to do what it takes to get it. And you’ll end up beating yourself up and feeling bad most of the time.

#2 - do what you need to do, without an excuse.

Here’s some excuses I hear: not enough time, it’s too late, weather is bad, no one wants to go with me, I need to do _____ first, I'm tired today, it's hard to meet people, it doesn't fit my schedule...

Success isn’t convenient.

Let's take a pause though and look at what you think you want. Or what you say you want. Maybe you don't really want it? Be honest. If you aren't willing to do the work, maybe it's not that important to you? That's ok. This is good clarity!

But if you do, pay attention to your excuses. This is where you’ll learn what’s holding you back. You know you need ACTION for any result to occur. Think of an area in your life where you are doing great. How is this happening?

When’s the last time you saw someone who sat around, did nothing, went nowhere and had a great life? I don’t write to you so you can have a good life, I write so you can experience a great life!

Attaining your goals/vision only happens when you stay consistent.

Pick ONE thing you want and DO one consistent thing (minimum) that will get you moving in that direction.

Here’s my example: Almost everyday I go for a walk. Why? Nature is a natural healing in itself. I get fresh air, I’m fast so I stay strong and keep in shape. I do 30 push ups and tricep dips. I listen to audio books/podcasts as learning is one of my values. Sometimes I get great business ideas (creativity). Sometimes I walk with a friend which provides me with connection which is my other value. So you see, this one choice aligns me with up to 6 benefits!

Let me know what’s holding you back from something you want, to see where we could tweak it for your success. If you can’t seem to figure it out, I know I’ll be able to!

I believe in you!

All my love,
K 💛

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

Life's journey of questions and discovery


Move from fear into love