Move from fear into love


If there’s someone bugging you - that’s your ego. That’s you thinking a situation should be the way you want it to be. To shift back into love (peace), forgive them. Why should you? So you can feel better. They probably aren’t in their heart either if there’s an issue.

We are assigned what we need to move from fear to love. Your friends, family, career, partner. It’s all been assigned to you for your growth towards inner peace. Forgiveness is one of the many tools.

This is about each one of us becoming who we are meant to be. And we need each other. But the work is on ourselves. And we need each other to know what our work is. You’re not perfect, and neither are they. Let’s be easier on ourselves and each other while we transition into becoming a better version of ourselves.

If growth means change, maybe you’re the one that has to make the change?

Can we stop expecting people to be a certain way? And just love them anyway?

Is forgiveness that easy? Why make it so hard I ask you? Here's some tips I use:

  • Don't take things so personally

  • The devil is not 'out there,' it's in your mind. (Worst place for it wouldn't you say)?

  • It's not the person that necessarily affects you, it's your mind (thoughts) which then creates a feeling. That's what hurts. We have to control the mind.

Fear plays a big role in making us feel bad. Will we be loved properly? Will we get what we want? Will we have enough money? If you feel bad, I will bet you are in fear of some sort. And that’s very disempowering. Fear turns into worry and worry can make you sick depending on how long it goes on for (often what we worry about doesn’t even manifest). It just steals your joy away from you as you focus on them and not the power that resides in you to change YOU.

The big challenge here is, of course, if they would change, you would feel better. But figure out a way to be ok anyway. Often what will keep you stuck is thinking the thoughts you are thinking. I imagine they are not good thoughts.

It’s so important for you to know what you enjoy doing and how to feel good, regardless of your circumstances. I’m not saying this is easy work. But it’s integral for your inner peace. If an outside situation is affecting you negatively, it’s time to go within and look at it. (This is for you, not them)!

Imagine a time when you can be unaltered by external situations. You can do this. It’s not about being in bliss every moment, but it’s knowing you can handle it. So even though someone is really ruffling your feathers, you can align yourself back to peace. If I can do it, so can you!

Some questions you can ask yourself:

  • What am I needing to learn from this situation?

  • Where do I lose my power?

  • If I know people aren’t perfect, why do I let them affect me?

  • Am I hard on myself, therefore being hard on another is natural for me? (This doesn’t make it right btw)

  • Am I willing to see this situation differently?

You can leave the person, or the room, but you won’t learn the lesson until you do some self reflecting. Or it just piles up and you blow. You know this.

As much as it can feel like someone else might have gotten you here, it’s on you to heal you, not them. If you can do this, you will know peace and love that is unconditional.

Tips for my advanced learners: (I've learned this from Micheal Singer and believe me, it's not easy but it's so worth the freedom you can feel)

Try not to express your disturbance and don’t suppress it either. This tends to cause more problems. Try instead to do nothing. Allow what you're feeling and let it pass through. We will always feel emotions. That’s the human in us. Allow it. Handle it. Don’t try to ‘fix’ it.

If you need any guidance, I'm here to help. Just email me and we can set up a time to chat.

All my love, all of the time,
K 💛

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

It's more than just 'believing' you can


Have a vision of your future!