My guidance for a life well-lived.
I hope it resonates.
Sexual Evolution: 5 erotic blueprints
If you’ve never heard of this, I’m so happy to be the one to bring this into your awareness! This, from the amazing, well informed and experienced sex educator, Miss Jaiya. (You may have enjoyed the Netflix show - Sex, Love & Goop).
The 5 Love Languages: How to love and be loved better
Here’s the thing - in romantic relationships, it’s not “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
From knowing it to experiencing it!
Here’s what I see as the biggest block to not having life look like you think it should.
Are you stuck in a rut?
What if what you’ve always done (or currently doing) is no longer working?
Want to be a serious player?
Being a serious player doesn’t begin once you get the hot shot job.
What is inner work?
The reason people don’t heal (in my opinion) is because they lack the curiosity to look within themselves for the answers.
Are your upper limits preventing ultimate success?
We all have a tendency to sit around in our zone of comfort. Hendricks suggests that we live in our zone of genius!
How to journal to understand your real issue
What if you fixed an issue just to see if you could vs to get a result?
Are you wasting your life?
If you feel a nagging sensation you’re wasting your life, on some level you probably are.
What if it's ok to not know?
I believe each of us came into this world with a unique soul contract.
The 'how to' isn't the issue
Today I ask you - what is stopping you from getting your desired result? It doesn’t matter what it is.
What does being spiritual mean?
Let me ask you - Do you believe there is something bigger than you running this show?