Are you wasting your life?

Hello sweet soul!

Have you ever felt like there must be something more? More for me to do? Or to be? Do you feel a nagging sensation?

I remember being in my old oil and gas role where I knew I had more to give. And I wondered, why haven’t they noticed I could be more? That my gifts and talents could be used more wisely in another position. I was waiting for them to light my path. I didn’t realize the power I had.

Maybe there’s more you need to be.

Again, from my teacher Marianne Williamson, she asks. Where are the places I don’t serve well enough? Where are my barriers to love? My harsh edges. Where am I not as forgiving as I should be, where am I still triggered, where am I not as compassionate, charitable, ethical etc.

If you feel a nagging sensation you’re wasting your life, on some level you probably are.

“The people on this planet who have achieved the most have achieved a fraction of what each and every one of us are capable of.” (Course in Miracles).

It’s not outside of you. There’s nothing ‘out there’ holding this up. It’s the places within yourself where you still have barriers to being the person you are capable of being in every situation. That’s the only thing slowing this down. Show me the places I’m not letting it in.

I got laid off, and boy did I realize the places I was not letting me be the person I knew I had become. So I went to work. My inner work. Of revealing who I had become along the way. We all have a story. A reason why we are where we are.

“Is it reasonable to assume that I would give you a job and not provide you with the means to accomplish it?” (from your internal teacher).

Once you are clear that this is the answer you are receiving (at least for now), then know along with that comes the promise that he will pave the way.

We run into problems when we start doing - not having yet grounded ourselves in a higher level of being.

Sometimes you don’t know what to do yet because you’re still pregnant with the manifestation. It’s got to gestate within you. Sometimes it’s not so clear cut.

“You will be told everything you need to know.”

Thank you Marianne. You have lighted my path.

I hope this shines a light on yours in some way or another.

All my love to you,
K 💛

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

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