Sexual Evolution: 5 erotic blueprints

Hello again!

With last week's inSight of the 5 love languages, I bring to you another fun and helpful tool with the 5 erotic blueprints!

If you’ve never heard of this, I’m so happy to be the one to bring this into your awareness! This, from the amazing, well informed and experienced sex educator, Miss Jaiya. (You may have enjoyed the Netflix show - Sex, Love & Goop).

“Your Erotic Blueprint is a map to your own wiring and your own turn-on,” she says. “People speak different erotic languages, and we can learn how to speak any of them.”

  • Energetic - someone who is turned on by anticipation, space, tease, longing, yearning.

  • Sensual - someone who’s turned on by all of their senses being ignited.

  • Sexual - someone who is turned on by what we think of as sex in our culture.

  • Kinky - someone who is turned on by the taboo.

  • Shapeshifter - someone who’s turned on by everything the sensual, sexual, kinky, and energetic types are turned on by.

Expanding our sexual understanding is just another dimension of our evolutionary journey. True fulfillment includes the vast and evermore journey of self discovery, through sex as it is through any other means.

Just as you have many facets to the authentic you, sex is a player in understanding yourself more fully. No current partner is required to understand the self (as you have your experiences to draw upon) and if you do, well just imagine how much better sex (connection) can become once you both are willing to learn each other's blueprint.

Jaiya says (I’m paraphrasing), sometimes it’s like you speak French and your partner speaks Italian. One is not better than the other, but when you learn to speak the same language, so much more can develop between the two of you. Why learn each other's language? Because you love each other.
Plus - how delicious to get to know each other better?

When you learn more about yourself and your preferences life becomes sweeter. When you know more about yourself sexually, sex also becomes more divine. Your sexuality is just one more tool to awaken yourself to who you really are. And there ain’t no shame in that!

I want you to realize that there is nothing wrong with you. Sex can have a lot of shame wrapped up in it. You just may not know or allow the real you to be seen. First by you and then sharing yourself with another. Hello vulnerability!

I am going to keep this high level and if you are interested, you can learn more by checking out her work or getting a hold of me and I’ll summarize this further for you. I’ve been studying her for the past 3 days, and I am absolutely learning a ton!! Of course figuring out your type is just the tip of the iceberg. There is much more to this.

To find out your primary type take her free quiz:
Learn your erotic blueprint

Then get your partner to take it and have some fun!

With love and hope - that you enjoy this as much as I am! And a big thanks to Miss Jaiya!!
K 💛

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

Does learning ever confuse you?


The 5 Love Languages: How to love and be loved better