My guidance for a life well-lived.

I hope it resonates.

Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Are you aware of your defensiveness?

Ohhhhh healing. We are all trying our best, but man, without learning the skills we need to become better, life can stay quite challenging within our relationships. We all have healing to do. It takes willingness, honesty, vulnerability, practice and patience (with ourselves and others).

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

When life gets messy

Life can get messy. Life can also be exhilarating. And hopefully a hell of a lot more of the latter! 

There are no guarantees and everything changes. Amid the chaos of change, we question ourselves. It can be a great time to reevaluate. Why did this happen? What do I want? How can I feel good anyway when I didn't choose this? 

Regardless of the circumstance, I’ve come to accept and understand these challenges as a way that life provides an opportunity to go deeper. 

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

How to be responsible when a problem shows up

I know you have many responsibilities. And of course you are responsible. But this is about learning and growing. Not so much your daily to do’s.

From this standpoint, being responsible means taking charge of your life and handling what you need to handle without pushing it down and secretly hoping it just goes away. This begins with becoming aware of what is going on within you.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

It begins with you, and then the relationship

Whether you’re in an intimate relationship or not, this applies to all humans. We either get better where we’re at or we’re getting ready to be ready! Years ago while I was studying, I thought a good title of a book could be, “It begins with me, then you, and then the relationship.” Funny this title has never left me. We come together with our own individual beliefs and values. Our past and upbringing is what creates these combined with previous life experiences and hence we have a story. We are all unique and imperfect and yet we come together and believe things will just work out. We will find ‘the one’ who will see us and love us and we’ll be ok and accepted, once and for all. Haha. Isn’t that humorous?

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

You don't need to change

I hope you’ve never felt like I think you need to change. My purpose here is to provide you with some ideas that help me stay centered and aligned. I do my best to be my own best friend, learn, apply and it works. I am absolutely living my best life and I want that for you as well.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

How to recognize red flags in relationships 🚩

A friend of mine just ended a relationship with someone who is not stable. When we discussed how she got here, and what her lesson was, she became very clear that her guidance system was on full alert but she pushed it away many times.

Here are some ways your guidance may be telling you to pay attention:

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

What can we learn from birds and rivers?

I’ve had a thing with birds lately. From my balcony I watch them. They fly around from tree to tree and I wonder what makes them decide where to land? Some perch high in the trees, others go middle or stay low. And those sounds? What do they even mean?? Please pause - I had to look this up:

Source One:

The birds that you hear are mainly males. They are doing what male birds do best, protecting/claiming their territory and/or trying to attract a mate.

Haha I laughed out loud… even the birds… 😂

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