What can we learn from birds and rivers?

I’ve had a thing with birds lately. From my balcony I watch them. They fly around from tree to tree and I wonder what makes them decide where to land? Some perch high in the trees, others go middle or stay low. And those sounds? What do they even mean?? Please pause - I had to look this up:

Source One:

The birds that you hear are mainly males. They are doing what male birds do best, protecting/claiming their territory and/or trying to attract a mate.

Source Two:

Singing at dawn is a technique used by males to prove their health and vigour to potential partners.

Haha I laughed out loud… even the birds… 😂

Then I think - I too ‘fly’ around my life. 

When I’m feeling at the top of my game - I’m definitely sitting at the top! Checking out the amazing views of my life. 

I hang out in the middle when I want to feel safe. And when I hang low, I keep to myself, with a minimal view, or I want introspection and rest. Do you know where you go when you feel a certain way?

I believe it’s important to know where you are at. Especially before you head out of your ‘safe’ place or try something new. You know, check in with yourself. Feeling high is a time to celebrate! Feeling low might be a good time to stay in and watch a movie.

Before going anywhere, literally, I often make time to get quiet and ‘pre-pave’ the events as I want them to be. This quiet reflection has really worked! I still sometimes forget to do it, so this is a good reminder for me too. 

(I use words like introspection, contemplation, meditation, reflection and visualization interchangeably as they all mean the same thing - TIME - to either get quiet and listen to my intuition or to ask for guidance - or both). 

You get to use whatever words you like. There is no ‘right’ way to do this, honestly. And ‘who’ you ask is none of my business, but definitely ask! 🙏

Personal examples:

  • Sometimes I ask that my humor be bang on, since I want to laugh with friends 

  • Before a date, I ask to look amazing and to remember to ask open ended questions 

  • For some people, I have to ask for patience and to see the best in them

  • On a road trip I ask for the other drivers to be aware and ask for protection 

One of my favourite mantras is ‘everything is always working out for me’ (with ease). 

Back to nature. What about a creek or a river? Think about one now. Beautifully going with the flow and always finding the way to its destination. There are plenty of rocks and fallen trees in its path. And yet, it just figures it out. 

Who or what are your rocks? Is anything getting in your way to your desired destination? Are you allowing what seems like a barrier, really just something that’s holding you up? What’s stopping you from carving out your own way around? 

Once you surrender to the flow, you will create your own path, to where you want to be. I just know it. 

And take your time, we're here for the ride, not just the manifestation.

All my love,

Kristi 💛

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!


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