When life gets messy

Life can get messy. Life can also be exhilarating. And hopefully a hell of a lot more of the latter! 

There are no guarantees and everything changes. Amid the chaos of change, we question ourselves. It can be a great time to reevaluate. Why did this happen? What do I want? How can I feel good anyway when I didn't choose this? 

Regardless of the circumstance, I’ve come to accept and understand these challenges as a way that life provides an opportunity to go deeper. 

While life is comfortable, enjoy it. Bask in it. Brag to a friend how great your life is. And don’t sabotage it! Don’t make problems where there are none. 

When life is uncomfortable, it can be a perfect time to awaken to new growth. Typically it’s crisis that creates transformation. Wouldn’t you agree?

In times of challenge, allow your soul to be more conscious of the thoughts you think. When you hold your heart (being gentle) and allow yourself the space to listen, you will know what it needs. And don’t think it will come from anything outside of yourself! ;)

If your self talk is negative then begin creating positive affirmations (like last week's inSight) which will lead you towards feeling some relief. 

Do you have hurt or anger and need to release someone or something? When I find myself in these times, I often surrender the issue and remember that life supports me and things are always working out for me. 

You may not understand the why right now, but the answers will come. Hindsight is 20/20, but don’t waste your today on yesterday's problems. Let it go and trust everything is working out for your highest good. 

Trust that you are being looked after and move your focus towards what is working well in your life. It’s important to feel good anyway and this is directly related to where your thoughts go throughout your day. You have the power to control your thinking - yes you do!!! 

I’m not saying to deny your hurts. Don't ever pretend you are fine if you aren't. Feel and acknowledge what's going on, but know you are moving onwards and upwards. 

​​Staying in a place of not feeling good means your thoughts aren’t good. It’s really that simple. The hardest part is becoming aware and creating a new belief that you are capable of this (step one in taking back your power). 

Reflect, take time to journal, pray, get support, ask for help, talk it out. Those are some action steps to get you back into feeling good again. You’ll know what you need once you pay attention to your heart.

No one ‘has it all together, all of the time.’ They may look like they do, but they don't. That’s just the mask they wear. Which will be the topic for next week's inSight.

Love you lot’s, 

Kristi Hiller 💜

Life Coach & Mentor

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!


The masks we wear


Affirmations for 2022