Are you aware of your defensiveness?

Ohhhhh healing. We are all trying our best, but man, without learning the skills we need to become better, life can stay quite challenging within our relationships. We all have healing to do. It takes willingness, honesty, vulnerability, practice and patience (with ourselves and others). 

Here’s my stab at summarizing a talk I watched between therapists Terry Real and Alex Howard, on Healing Trauma for Deeper Connection.

Our emotional trauma (baggage) created wounds (big or small) that we had to protect for our own safety. We adapt to belong or to stay safe. Learned at a young age, these protective behaviors become our adaptive selves (what you learned to do as a child to get by). We adapt, not yet able to uncover the truth of who we really are. Because we are scared to find out if our actual needs will be met. 

This is good for survival, but you don’t have to live there anymore. The best time to be aware is at the moment of the trigger. For example: You can be aware that you are being defensive (self protection). And in that moment you can make a choice of a new behavior.

It takes time to get to that kind of awareness and to change in the moment though. A softer first step would be to look back at the protective behavior, own and admit to your person how a different behavior may have returned a better outcome. 

So according to Alex, when it comes to being aware of our defensiveness, here are the 4 stages:

  1. Know that this is something that happens

  2. You can look back (hindsight) and see you were defensive

  3. See it as it’s happening in the moment

  4. See it with enough clarity so that you can make a change in the pattern while it's happening

Our nervous system is quite hijacked in this situation. To calm this you can reset with meditation and breathing practices. You also need to use present moment awareness to realize what is going on here.

“Feelings won’t hurt you. They may be painful, but they won’t hurt you. Running from feelings can kill you.”  Terry Real.

There. I just saved you an hour! Man, I love to learn. And the best part of learning, is to take it into your own life and test it out!

Take care and be aware 😜

All my love,


Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

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