My guidance for a life well-lived.

I hope it resonates.

Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Sexual Evolution: 5 erotic blueprints

If you’ve never heard of this, I’m so happy to be the one to bring this into your awareness! This, from the amazing, well informed and experienced sex educator, Miss Jaiya. (You may have enjoyed the Netflix show - Sex, Love & Goop).

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Understanding conflict

This inSight is based on Terry Real’s work on conflict. The challenge in conflict resolution is that we must get out of our adaptive child brain and into our adult (prefrontal cortex) brain.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Who do you hold your pee for? 😂

I’ve been meaning to write this inSight since last summer at the cabin!

I met this crazy lady (too much for Hollywood) let’s call her. We couldn’t stop talking, and I mean for over a week.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Our need for authenticity and attachment - Part One

Gabor’s question is, how can we be interrelated, connected and still be ourselves? Your authenticity will be sacrificed every time so you’ll be accepted. (This is what you did for survival, and leads to adaptation of the true self). You ‘adapt’ to fit in.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Do you feel connected?

Connection for me is so very important in living my best life. It’s what fills my heart and makes me so very happy. So today's question for you is:

Do I feel connected to myself and to others?

If you ever feel lonely, you are probably just lacking connection.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Will you rise up?

I rise up to allow myself to be all that I was meant for and to follow the inner voice directing my callings. Then I can put my arms around those who want the same thing. So we can feel connected - to ourselves and to each other. That’s a world in which heaven is here on earth. 

The world of ‘I’ and competition is an old paradigm. We need to evolve to a world that is moving forward no matter what. The question is, will it destroy us or will we grow with and for it?

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

You (we) belong

Today I woke up and felt super connected to this world and knowing what I’ve been through, provides me with compassion to you. Because as I feel things, I know you do too. We are all so connected and live through the same high’s and low’s. Although at different times throughout our journey’s.

There can be times you feel alone. You have your own thoughts running through your mind that no one may ever know. Only you know what you’ve gone through and how your experiences truly affect your heart. And there are some things we may never share with another.

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