My guidance for a life well-lived.

I hope it resonates.

Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Some last thoughts for 2023

May the end of this year bring new dreams and desires to the one ahead. Cheers to you as we embark on another chapter of our journey.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Making a decision

There are times in life when you have to make a decision. It’s about being intentional and knowing the direction you’re heading. (Please, have a vision for your life)!

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Who can you trust?

This is a big question and for which there can be many answers. I’ll try to make it real simple for ya.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

When life gets messy

Life can get messy. Life can also be exhilarating. And hopefully a hell of a lot more of the latter! 

There are no guarantees and everything changes. Amid the chaos of change, we question ourselves. It can be a great time to reevaluate. Why did this happen? What do I want? How can I feel good anyway when I didn't choose this? 

Regardless of the circumstance, I’ve come to accept and understand these challenges as a way that life provides an opportunity to go deeper. 

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

You have everything you need inside of you

This idea has been helping me tremendously with anything that shows up in my life. I’m hoping it can help you too. 

You know that feeling when you ‘give away your power?’ Something happens and you don’t feel as good. You get a feeling at the pit of your stomach and you know you are off. It can happen when the people we love aren’t as connected to us as we want them to be. 

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Clarity requires responsibility

“I may not be the way you want me to be, but I am the way I want to be.”

I listened to a talk from Sadhguru. And I resonated with what he said:

Life is precious. Your life is your responsibility. ‘Not knowing’ is a great possibility. Now you become a seeker to know.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

How to 'go within' - 15 suggestions

A glorious part of my journey was when I finally realized that all the answers I was looking for were inside of me. It was only until I stopped looking outside of myself that I tapped into the true power I had within myself. Hence how I came up with my business name, Everything Begins Within. 💜

So I’ll just share some questions I've had to ask myself and maybe it'll help you to get to know yourself in some new ways:

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Leverage the power that's available to you!

Do you realize there are powers ‘out there’ that can help you beyond what you can do on your own?

You want what you want. Right? Let’s call this your ‘dream.’ And if you could just go out and buy it, you would. But I don’t think dreams are always tangible. You can’t buy all of your dreams, but you can manifest them! Dream big or small, that is up to you.

Without a dream life seems to just happen, getting what you get, but maybe missing out on your true desires.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Do you follow your intuition? (video)

You want to play a little game with me?

Over the next month, let’s see how many times we follow our intuition! This is not as easy as it sounds, hence why I’m giving us a month. And when the stakes are higher it's tougher to do.

I just had 2 experiences where I did NOT listen to my intuition, and it made things go from bad to worse!

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Choose surrender over stress

In building this business I am entrenched in learning and applying. Who would I be, to not live the tools I teach? And I’ll tell you - they work!

Of course you have challenges that show up in your life that cause stress. I do too. I just dealt with another massive vehicle repair bill and owe a ton of cash to the government, so not receiving a refund this year. 😭

Think of something you dislike that’s going on in your life right now. When in stress mode, what do you do, where do your thoughts go? 

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Are you in between jobs or a relationship?

With so much going on in the world right now, we can be in one of two places. LOVE or FEAR. Both are easy to get to - all that matters is where your thoughts are.

I call times like this, “in the meantime.” All this means is that your ‘normal’ or what you are used to, has taken a back seat. Or heck, maybe even thrown you out of the car and it’s a write off. It's the sweet spot after a change occurs and before the next change takes place.

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