You have everything you need inside of you


This idea has been helping me tremendously with anything that shows up in my life. I’m hoping it can help you too. 

You know that feeling when you ‘give away your power?’ Something happens and you don’t feel as good. You get a feeling at the pit of your stomach and you know you are off. It can happen when the people we love aren’t as connected to us as we want them to be. 

When this happened, I said to myself, OK, this isn’t something I can control. Because I can’t control what other people do or say. But, what could I control? I know what brings me joy. I know what makes me feel good. I allowed it to be OK, knowing this too shall pass, AND I am in charge of my experience. 

Learning is one of my favorite things, so I put on a program I had been watching (Humanity’s Team - Global Oneness Summit). Neale Donald Walsh had a 3.45 hour program and I began to watch. 

Here’s what I was reminded of and it was so perfect. Talk about right place, right time. 

The seed of a tree knows everything it must do in the seed. 

WE have what we need encoded in us from the very beginning.

Difficulty is not failures or mistakes. It’s a process in which you become who you really are. 

I really was able to leave my discomfort and understand fully that everything is as it needs to be. 

Once I could see that I felt lighter and not so attached to anything other than how I was feeling. Yes, others can take you away from feeling good. But you have the power to shift it. If I would have gone down the rabbit hole of - did I do something wrong? Does he still care about me? Why is he being distant? I would have felt worse. 

But something in me told me to just let it be. To turn from what didn’t feel good, towards something that would soothe me. What other people go through is about them. And we have to honor others where they are at and be ok anyway. When we are able to stay connected to our true selves when others aren’t, they come back much faster! I was able to feel love for him anyway and trust he’d figure out his stuff. And he did.

More good points from the program:

See the perfection.

It’s a step to what can occur.

As they are - how do we choose them to be.

My capacity to love expands in direct proportion to my decision to express it. 

You don’t need courage to express if you don’t expect anything back.

Divinity = Love

No outcome is required. The outcome is a possibility.

"Pure Love" - needs, requires, requests, hopes for and demands nothing in return​

Need - wanting a certain outcome vs. Desire - use your imagination​​

Have any outcome be OK. Release it. This, or something better​

Everything is unfolding as it needs to. Trust that. In every area of your life. 

Thanks for reading and being on this journey together. 

All my love 💜


Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

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