Are you in between jobs or a relationship?

Thank you so much for being with me and taking the time to be the best dang version of yourself!

With so much going on in the world right now, we can be in one of two places. LOVE or FEAR. Both are easy to get to - all that matters is where your thoughts are.

I call times like this, “in the meantime.” All this means is that your ‘normal’ or what you are used to, has taken a back seat. Or heck, maybe even thrown you out of the car and it’s a write off. It's the sweet spot after a change occurs and before the next change takes place.

I have found in my life, the meantime ALWAYS means growth. So here I was again, growing… I’ll use 2 different examples:

1. Romantic relationship

How you handle this time is crucial to how you feel and where you will end up. Looking back, every single break-up took me to the same place:

  • Time to just be me for a while

  • More clarity on what I wanted to attract next

  • Connection to others I had missed

  • Doing whatever I wanted (no more compromising!). Side note: I actually don’t love that word - compromise - it kind of makes me want to barf in my mouth, but that’s a WHOLE other topic my friend ;)

2. Job

I was laid off a year ago from a job I thought I loved - so my feelings were really hurt. No reason, just see ya later, here’s some money - so cold. Of course it was the people I loved, not the job. After the hurt dissipated I began to feel excited with what my future might hold - even though I had no idea where I’d end up or what to do. My year off provided me with:

  • Time to get really clear on what I wanted

  • I daydreamed and spent a lot of time in contemplation

  • Finally created a daily meditation practice I had wanted for a long time

  • Educated myself more than normal on all topics that felt good to me - YouTube videos of my favorite teachers, podcasts and books

  • Kept up my workouts, even though I was out of my steady ‘routine’ - heading from work to the gym on my lunch breaks

  • Continued to keep my social network alive - I wondered if the loss of my job would affect that - but it didn’t. Real friends stick by you.

  • Spent most of the summer at our family cabin so got lots of beloved bonding time with my parents (we only have them for so long) and my niece who I don’t get to see very often because we live so far away from each other. I even got to know other people around the lake more. Neighbors and such. Looking back, my trips out there were typically so quick, I didn’t make the time for anyone other than my immediate family.

So you see, yes, sometimes life gives us a ‘boot kick.’ And I’m so grateful it did. The blessings from that year alone was well worth the loss of the job. Plus I needed the shift of direction. I let that job hold me back. 

I need to make this part clear though - my year off wasn’t amazing because I am ‘special’ or because life is easy. It was amazing because I decided that’s how I wanted it to be. I wanted to look back on it with a smile and know I created the best darn experience I could (even with the limited finances). Funny, looking back, I wasn’t even bored for a second!

OK, thanks for listening - back to you!

My point is - you WILL get through the meantime regardless of HOW. I just challenge you do it with:

  • TRUST - something better is coming.

  • JOY - make the most out of it. This too shall pass.

  • LOVE - even though there may be a loss, there is still good regardless of the condition. Notice the blessings. You may have to dig but trust me, they are there.

  • LEARN - take the lessons out of your experiences. They are propelling you to a new place and you must get ready for it! Constantly we are getting ready to be ready - for the next adventure!

Once it’s time for the next romance or job, you’ll be ready to be back in the game! You’ll need your energy to focus in the new area that will show up. So enjoy the meantime. It’s a gift. 

Believe me, there will always be another meantime, because nothing stays the same forever.

All my love,

Kristi 💕

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

Find the courage to speak your truth


Take inventory - Are you happy with where you are?