How to 'go within' - 15 suggestions

Hi there!

A glorious part of my journey was when I finally realized that all the answers I was looking for were inside of me. It was only until I stopped looking outside of myself that I tapped into the true power I had withinmyself. Hence how I came up with my business name, Everything Begins Within. 💜

So I’ll just share some questions I've had to ask myself and maybe it'll help you to get to know yourself in some new ways:

  1. Are you doing things you love to do? Or, what do you love to do? Are you doing these things enough?

  2. Do you hang with people you enjoy? Are they fulfilling relationships? Do you need to do some inventory and clean it up a bit?

  3. Are you doing things because of obligation? Or are you the boss of you?

  4. Is your life in balance? Not perfectly equal per se, but you have many categories that contribute to having a full life?

  5. Who are you and how do you represent yourself in the world? Are the two congruent? (Are you living authentically)?

  6. What are you afraid of right now?

  7. Are you a people pleaser? Or do you have healthy boundaries?

  8. What do you believe in? And do you commune with that on a daily basis?

  9. Do you make time for yourself everyday? Not ‘doing’ just ‘being.’

  10. Are you getting enough exercise? Making time for the great outdoors?

  11. Are you getting adequate sleep? Are you listening to your body? Are you resting when you’re tired?

  12. Are you eating when you’re hungry? And making good choices for the most part?

  13. Where might you feel guilty?

  14. Are you willing to have hard conversations? With kindness?

  15. How do you spend your time? Where do you spend your time? Is it fun?

To overcome the things that might niggle away at you, there are typically 2 choices. Accept it or change it. This is your decision. But I strongly suggest that feeling guilty for example is not a good option.

It’s important to be aware of these questions. You may not love all of your answers today, but this is a great step in gaining clarity about what you may want to look at. If you aren’t learning and growing… well you wouldn’t be reading this you little rockstar. ;)

When you answer these questions confidently - you have peace in your life and a joy that no one can take from you.

I’m here if you want to discuss any further, and until then - trust yourself to be all that you are meant to be. Give yourself permission.

High five to you! ✋

Love always,
Kristi 😘
Life Coach & Mentor

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

It begins with you, and then the relationship


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