Choose surrender over stress

In building this business I am entrenched in learning and applying. Who would I be, to not live the tools I teach? And I’ll tell you - they work!

Of course you have challenges that show up in your life that cause stress. I do too. I just dealt with another massive vehicle repair bill and owe a ton of cash to the government, so not receiving a refund this year. 😭

Think of something you dislike that’s going on in your life right now. When in stress mode, what do you do, where do your thoughts go? 

In the moment of stress I believe it is important to feel it. This is not about putting your head in the sand. When I’m super frustrated and scared I tend to cry. And that’s OK. It’s a form of release my body needs. It’s natural. And don’t you just feel a bit better after a good cry? 

Of course we need to get up and figure out a plan, but sometimes you have to wait for the ‘diagnosis.’ That’s tough too.

Thanks to a new friend, I quickly acknowledged that there are far more terrible things going on, than car repairs and taxes. As I was upset about my car, she showed me a picture of a baby, hooked up to tubes in a hospital while his dad wrote a poem, please wake up… Talk about a shift in my perception. I wiped my tears and thanked her for helping me with a new perspective. 

Ask yourself - do I trust that everything is always working out for me? When you can stay centered, regardless of the circumstance, be patient, a blessing or a miracle can show up.

So what did I do? I focused my attention on what IS working in my life. Meditated to keep in alignment with my true self who always covers me with a sense of peace. I trusted that God, the universe, energy forces (whatever, I leverage it all) knows the bigger plan for my life, and I relaxed. 

Life happens and it’s not always perfect. But your reaction to it matters. I also called my mentor. She always backs up what I already know and we had a great talk to keep my momentum of being in a good place.

The very next day, my intuition nudged me to post on the hallway mirror, “everything is always working out for me.” I swear I repeated it 100 times during my work out - and I actually do believe it. Words have power. In the beginning of my journey I used to do this a lot so I suggest you try this! Repetition is key in reprogramming. 

AND THEN, SERIOUSLY - 2 hours later I found out the vehicle didn’t need the $2500 part just a $500 part and my accountant found an error which saved me literally thousands of dollars.

So if you ever feel you aren’t supported, please use my story for inspiration. Today, I challenge you to surrender your stress and decide that maybe nothing too serious is going on here. This too shall pass. 

In your stress, don’t allow yourself to ‘make up’ more negative scenarios. Stay conscious, so that the old programs of fear won’t come in and add to the stress. 

So - 2 options - you always have a choice: Accept, change your perspective, work through it, surrender and trust. OR complain, freak out, wonder what else will go wrong, be scared of dealing with it and probably attract more negative circumstances. 

One last thing - another way I accepted the vehicle issue and cost (3 days of diagnosis at $120/hour prior to it even being actually fixed) was that of fate. 

I was on the fence about taking it to the shop (all I needed was an alignment - so I thought). And there isn’t much that would keep me away from my cabin and family. But, maybe this prevented me from being in a major accident, had I left when I had originally planned. I trust that I wasn’t meant to travel that day - who really knows - but even just thinking in that way made it easier for me to accept and surrender. 

Stress less, by shifting out of it. You are smart and will handle anything that shows up in your life. 

“When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.” —Buddha

Be gentle on yourself, this too shall pass. 🙏

All my love,
Kristi 💗

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

The best relationship you’ll ever have, is the one with yourself


Don’t take your past into your future