My guidance for a life well-lived.

I hope it resonates.

Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

The power of your words

I couldn’t find the source to where this acronym came from, but it’s a great reminder to all of us. My sister had it hung on her fridge a few years back and I loved it. I also loved that this is what she was teaching her young kids. My dad used to say to me years ago - Kristi, think before you talk! Haha, well Dad, I finally got the message. (We all finally ‘get’ it at some point, so don’t be hard on yourself). 😊

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

What do people think, when they think of you?

Here’s a twist on some of what I normally say.

“Instead of not caring what other people think about you, ask yourself - what will someone think of when they think of you.”

I heard Marianne Williamson define success as, “you go to bed at night knowing that somebody else’s life is better because you were in it that day.”

This means we all have the power to be successful.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

You (we) belong

Today I woke up and felt super connected to this world and knowing what I’ve been through, provides me with compassion to you. Because as I feel things, I know you do too. We are all so connected and live through the same high’s and low’s. Although at different times throughout our journey’s.

There can be times you feel alone. You have your own thoughts running through your mind that no one may ever know. Only you know what you’ve gone through and how your experiences truly affect your heart. And there are some things we may never share with another.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Are you kind to yourself?

You have wonderful people in your life who are kind to you. And you are kind to wonderful people. But today’s inSight is about how you can be kind to you.

Do you have compassion for yourself?

There are times when you just don’t do as good as you should, or could, and when you notice yourself in that situation, just be kind to yourself. Look at it and say, “you know, I’ll do better next time, and for now, good for me for noticing I could do better.”

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