The best relationship you’ll ever have, is the one with yourself

I know you work hard on being good to the people in your life. And they are lucky to have you. You are aware of the many different types of people in the world and yet there is only one YOU. So how good are you to yourself?

If you have an Angel and a Devil on each side of you - which one gets the most airtime? I hope you decide, like I did, to only listen to your Angel. That’s the nice one. 

Be your own best friend. Why wait for another person or thing to justify that you are worthy or good? You were put on this earth for all kinds of reasons. And none of those reasons were bad.

Once I began treating myself better I noticed I felt lighter. If the media was going to try to  make me feel lousy by igniting my fears, I had to become aware of giving in to that fear, or deciding I am enough just as I am. You also are enough. Just be you. Own it and love it. 

When you accept this, you won’t give in to society's idea of who you should be. You begin carving out your own path. You become gentle and kind to yourself realizing how hard you’ve been on your sweet self. You know that you’ve been your own worst critic. Change this now if you can. Another benefit is - the more we love ourselves, the easier it is to love and accept another. 

How to love yourself? 

** No more put downs ** None. Ever again

You are a work in progress - you are not perfect, nor have you ever claimed to be. You realize there are things you could do better, so do better the next time. But for now, be easy about it. Lighten the load, ask for help. Don’t ever put yourself down. 

If you wouldn’t say it to your real best friend, you can’t utter those words to yourself. You take yourself with you wherever you go, so be good to you. It’s just a habit you decide to get into. 

There are nicer words you can use about yourself. Be aware of the phrases that you say. And then update them to only be kind and loving. This is who you really are. It’s time to give yourself the honor of acceptance and love, no matter what circumstance you find yourself in. This will take some practice, as all new skills do, so be patient with yourself.

I’ve always said, I was born alone and I’ll die alone. Might as well love that girl. It’s just me and her. 😍

Sending love,



Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

Differing perspectives


Choose surrender over stress