My guidance for a life well-lived.

I hope it resonates.

Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Where does emotional hurt come from?

You’ve got to admit - all emotional hurt comes from your past.

That’s why to really heal you have to go back.

Not for long, but healing will allow you to move forward with anticipation without bringing yesterday’s pain to a future experience. Without healing, the pain doesn’t just go away. And that’s hard.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

A perspective on evolving

Think about your life as if it had many levels (floors). Depending on your floor, the perspective (views) change the higher you go. This is what I see as evolution and growth.

So how do you move from one floor to the next? You have to learn the lessons that the floor you're currently on provides. The higher you go, the better the view and the quieter it gets! So that’s a pretty good reason.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

You rarely lose, you often gain

In the game of life, naturally you want to win.

You know how that feels. But I swear you learn more, grow more and evolve more in the losses than the gains (ok maybe not in the stock market 😓).

How do you handle your losses? This is all about character. Do you reflect and look at where you may have got it wrong? Do you add clarity to your list now that you’ve learned what you don’t want? Do you blame others? Do you feel sorry for yourself and spiral a while?

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Are you in between jobs or a relationship?

With so much going on in the world right now, we can be in one of two places. LOVE or FEAR. Both are easy to get to - all that matters is where your thoughts are.

I call times like this, “in the meantime.” All this means is that your ‘normal’ or what you are used to, has taken a back seat. Or heck, maybe even thrown you out of the car and it’s a write off. It's the sweet spot after a change occurs and before the next change takes place.

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