My guidance for a life well-lived.

I hope it resonates.

Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Do you have patience?

In a world where there is so much information on being ‘happy and positive’ - we also need to honor where we’re at. When I want something a LOT and it hasn’t shown up yet… I can get irritated. I’m sure you’ve felt this way before.

But alas - there are ways to make this easier! 💃

I say ‘know what you want’ because it’s important and where I find many people struggle. It’s important so you know what direction you want to head in. It also creates excitement in life when you are wanting.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

This too shall pass

Honestly, life isn’t always lived at 100% bliss.

On those days of mediocrity, have no reason or need to blame your circumstances. For all the reasons to work on yourself and to be successful and to create a life you love, there are days that you may feel like what the F*%#?? (WTF). And from my heart to yours - I get it and I’ve been there. And then something else happens.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Are you in between jobs or a relationship?

With so much going on in the world right now, we can be in one of two places. LOVE or FEAR. Both are easy to get to - all that matters is where your thoughts are.

I call times like this, “in the meantime.” All this means is that your ‘normal’ or what you are used to, has taken a back seat. Or heck, maybe even thrown you out of the car and it’s a write off. It's the sweet spot after a change occurs and before the next change takes place.

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