My guidance for a life well-lived.

I hope it resonates.

Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

The journey within

If you have a desire to live your life with inner peace, joy, freedom and love, please know that this road to ‘enlightenment’ never ends. You don’t really ever ‘get there.’ And no one is handing out a certificate of achievement.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Always do your best

The book is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.


Why do this? You’ll feel better. It sets you free.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

How many versions of you are there?

This question always makes me think.

Back in my wonderful oil & gas days, I often noticed a ‘business’ persona and a personal one.

Here’s my question: Which one of you, is the real you?

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

What would you do, if you could do anything?

I believe there is a direct link between happiness and doing what you love. Now, of course that doesn’t necessarily mean that you are being paid for what you love, but the question is, do you at least have it in your life? Here’s a question I like to ask people - If we all got paid the same amount of money per year, what would you choose to do for work? It’s interesting how many people stumble on this.

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