Do you believe you can?

You’ve heard the quote, ‘believe you can and you’re halfway there.’ - Theodore Roosevelt.

This picture hangs in my bathroom and has for years!

I like this combination:


Most of my life has played out this way. I’ll bet yours has too, once you give it some thought. And yes, action is required (apply for the job, move to the city, make the phone call). But do you ever feel like there’s a bigger hand influencing your results? (the manifestations).

My example:

I make YouTube videos for men. I’ve not advertised or marketed them at all. In fact, no one knows they exist other than you and my inSight troops! But my vision and belief is that someone notices (the right people) and I trust everything will unfold as it needs to.

Rob found me! He watched my videos, liked them and reached out and asked to collaborate with me. So we did! Rob and his 3 buds have a channel called ‘Middle Aged and Single.' (MASS). Just 4 cool dudes talking about today’s interesting topics. Great guys. Check out the video we did together!

Kristi joins MASS to explain her role as LIFE COACH FOR MEN: MIDDLE AGED STILL SINGLE

Now we are talking about doing live coaching sessions. Who knows where this could go, right?

My vision is that I guide men to sort through their issues and teach them new skills so they can have what they want. I see a world where everyone has a mentor/coach to guide you on your journey because life can be hard to tackle alone.

My vision is to see men stepping up and doing some of the work women have been doing for years. Not because we want men to change, but because society has. And we must grow and evolve in order to keep up. We all have work to do! And I believe we can and we will!

So what do you want? And what’s your vision and belief about it?

If you believe it’ll be hard, it will be.

If you believe it’ll take a long time, it will.

Believe, and it will be.

So, believe it’s done, be happy and let the universe handle the rest! I know it sounds too easy… but just try it. I’ve got so many examples, but that doesn’t help you. You do it for you and then you will get the result. Which will make you believe even more!

Keep being awesome!

And of course go listen to this song if you need some further inspiration!!
Journey - Don’t Stop Believin’ 😜

All my love,

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

Are you aware of your defensiveness?


Beat to your own drum!