How to turn your present moment thoughts into your future reality

I know there is something you really want!

In chatting with my sweet sister the other day, the topic of getting results from what we want came up. 

So last week was about not looking outside of yourself for happiness - which was all about not giving your power away. 

Today is about wanting. It’s natural to want! You will ALWAYS want. And once you get what you want, you’ll want other things! 

My great teacher Esther Hicks says: “The only reason we want anything is because we think we will feel better in the having of it.”

But what if what you want, hasn’t come - in a long time? Great question.

It seems that sometimes our ‘biggest’ desires tend to be the toughest ones to claim. So why then, if we know what we want, can it be difficult to achieve?

I believe it’s all due to our programming. We play old tapes, and we do it subconsciously. 

You can go back and figure out where they came from and how long you’ve been playing them, but the most important question is, what are you telling yourself?

To re-program isn’t an overnight exercise. There are layers to it. And it takes practice. But to simplify - first you need to become aware of the thoughts you are thinking. Pick just one thing you deeply want to change or have. 

Write down all the statements you secretly say to yourself throughout the day on this topic. (They aren’t always negative or obvious so be aware). But they are beliefs you hold to be true. Esther Hicks also says, a belief is just a thought you keep thinking. It’s so true! Just because you think it, doesn’t mean it’s right!

Creating a new reality IS going to take some shifts in your perception. An important part of this is not just to want it. You have to FEEL what it would be like to have it. What this will do, is activate the feelings of already having it. You will then be guided to either act a different way or get excited about what’s to come instead of feeling frustrated your results aren’t here yet.

A couple examples:

In losing weight:

  • Eating chips are bad for me and will make me gain weight

Re-program suggestion: Everything I eat is used and discarded perfectly 

Future feeling: It feels so good to allow food into my body (without guilt and shame). I love my body and it knows what to do.

(OK, I know, it sounds a bit crazy and it's a silly example... especially if you are a realist, but there is proven scientific evidence that the thoughts we think are directly correlated with our life results). 

I made up this example because I love chips and they don't make me gain weight. Sometimes we just can't explain things, so I like to do what feels good. Who's to say?! What doesn't work, is doing something and then feeling guilty about it. 

In finding a new relationship:

  • Maybe there isn't someone special out there for me. Am I meant to be alone?

Re-program suggestion: I am love. I am loving and lovable. Love is easy to attract and I am open. I can meet him anywhere, anytime.

Future feeling: I’m so connected to the love that already exists in and around me. I am like a love magnet. Clear and excited for what’s on the way to me.

(Visualize these new thoughts with the feeling of what it will be like to have it and when the old thoughts come back replace them with the new visualizations of your desired future).

I’m currently fascinated with Dr. Joe Dispenza. 

His work, is to prove with science, that how you think and how you feel, creates your state of being. But matter will not change matter. Energy changes matter. And consciousness is what changes energy. 

So then, in order to change, we have to become more conscious and reprogram our subconscious mind. We typically recreate our past (hence no changes) because we are only 5% in our conscious mind and 95% in our subconscious mind. He’s all about envisioning your future with thoughts, actions and emotions. 

Watch the video(s) below, in his own words. I picked a short 3 minute one for you, but there are so many more that delve a lot deeper into what you are capable of! Ohhhhhh wait, I found a 6 minute one that is better, but you decide. You know me, I’d watch both if I were you 😜.  Because I LOVE creating my own reality and I LOVE to learn how!

Enjoy your day -  may you put in the time and effort so that your desires become your reality! 

All my 💜


Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

What can we learn from birds and rivers?


Why looking outside of ourselves for happiness never works