What are you learning about that will make your life better?

You are a star!

And you know it. 😊

Tools, skills, learnings, wisdom. Same same.

Life provides the experiences and we get to figure ourselves out.

As you know, I believe that with the right tool applied to a situation, you will gain a much better result, and without the tool, life is harder.

The thing I always come back to about learning and not staying in the same place, begins with clarity. You’ve probably experienced this, when there is toooooo much to do, you become overwhelmed and nothing changes.

Think about ONE thing in your life that could be better. NOT, if they would change. Where can you change?


What if you stopped judging yourself? Would you gain more peace in your heart and have more compassion for you and others?

You have to be honest with yourself before you’ll be honest with others.

Whatever you do for yourself, you do for others.

This is why we begin (and continue) thinking about ourselves first. Think of any of the tools we need to make our lives easier.

(I already wrote about some of them in an old blog, here’s the link if you want a refresh)

The second you wish someone else should do better, ask yourself where could I?

I know! This is serious introspection.

The tool I’m working on right now is understanding what I need from others and why. It’s very interesting and is bringing up a lot for me. (I’ll write to you about it I’m sure). Just need a little more life experience as I practice it.

So - what are you working on about yourself? I’d love to hear what it is and how it’s been going for you, just reply to this email!

Here’s the first coaching session I did with my boys from MASS (Middle Aged Still Single) where we get clear on what they want.


And as I reminded them - are you going to talk about it, or begin applying it? The difference is getting what you want vs complaining about it. (I know, ball buster!)

I hope you enjoy - it’s received over 1.6K views - both of our highest views of all our video’s!! 🙌

But most of all - so fun :)

And don’t be scared to ask for help. You aren’t alone, unless you want to be.

All my love to you,

Kristi 💕
Life Coach & Mentor

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!


What you need to know about stress


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