Differing perspectives

My lovely niece and I are living at our family cabin for the summer. 💃

A girlfriend of mine came to visit so we brought her along on our daily walk. It’s a 20 minute trail behind the cabins on the lake, and leads to a road we then run on. One night we decided to slow things down, instead of our usual fast paced athletic conditioning. 

I couldn’t believe how many things I noticed that I hadn’t before! A tin man hanging in the forest, a child’s rock collection with a sign for sale and a box with free books. I had originally thought, why walk and meander. Let’s sweat and kill 2 birds with one stone! 

We discussed why it's sometimes nice to slow the pace and observe our surroundings. (Well they explained to me why, since this isn’t the way my brain naturally thinks). As the saying goes, stop and smell the roses. So often we can be in such a hurry for results and our destination. It was a pleasant experience for me to just slow down. When was the last time you slowed down and looked around?

We also stopped at different look out points (while doing air squats!) to check out the different views. This is what struck me Kristi - depending on where you are at, you will have a different view. It relates exactly to life. And it’s no wonder then, why sometimes you just see things differently than other people.

Sometimes you want to see others’ point of view, but from where you are standing, you may not see it. 

You see the world based on your perspective and so does each and every other person. I’m sure you’ve witnessed or been a part of, time and hurt feelings wasted on trying to prove who’s right. Here’s what I believe - we are all ‘right’! (And alright - get it???) 😎

It all just depends on where you’re standing or where you have stood.

It’s so easy to get used to your everyday vantage point. I challenge you to get curious about someone else’s. Ask questions and learn how or why they might see things differently. And while you’re here - imagine if you had a different view. How would it feel? Do you enjoy what you are looking at or is it time to change it? 

Enjoy the slow down…

All my love, 

K 💕

"Try, instead of being right, to be kind."

- Wayne Dyer

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!


Thoughts create things


The best relationship you’ll ever have, is the one with yourself