My guidance for a life well-lived.

I hope it resonates.

Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Perception is interesting

If you are new to my perceptions, here’s one for you: There are no right or wrong opinions.

I believe everyone is right.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

What do people think, when they think of you?

Here’s a twist on some of what I normally say.

“Instead of not caring what other people think about you, ask yourself - what will someone think of when they think of you.”

I heard Marianne Williamson define success as, “you go to bed at night knowing that somebody else’s life is better because you were in it that day.”

This means we all have the power to be successful.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

How do other peoples opinion affect you?

Only you know what you truly want. And why you are where you are. And that’s all you need to focus on. 

What other people think about it, let alone how they feel about it, is really none of your business. Yet… they let us know what they think. Sometimes we’ve asked, and often we haven’t! 

You see the issue? The challenge here is we all have our opinions. So we see what others do and we have something to say about it! And vice versa! 

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