Hello there!
Hope you’re enjoying your summer so far! 🏖️
If you are new to my perceptions, here’s one for you: There are no right or wrong opinions.
I believe everyone is right.
Each one of us see’s through the lens we have - which is created by our own unique life experiences. The question is, how are your perspectives working for you? Are you fighting to be right? Or are people arguing with you to be right?
Let me be the one to tell you, you ARE right! And so is your partner, your sister, your brother, your mother, your father, your boss and so am I!
Understanding this makes room for compassion and less arguing. Imagine the next time you want to prove your point but instead just say, ya you’re probably right. You will diffuse the bomb. That’s what it does! Try it. My brother in law is doing really good at this right now with my sister. I laugh out loud every time I witness it.
The second you think you’re right while making someone else wrong, is judgemental. I see a lot of energy wasted and defensive reactions by not allowing people to be who they are or not accepting where they’re at. Remember we are all flawed.
Of course your lens will change. It changes by how you feel. When you feel good, your lens sees more good in your world. When you feel bad, your lens sees more bad. Just know other people's perceptions are about them, not you. That’s why we can’t take things so personally.
This doesn’t come naturally at first. It’s a muscle that needs to be exercised. And with practice you’ll be free-er in all areas of your life. You’ll also be easier to get along with and will enjoy people more.
I think you’re awesome, no matter what you think! 😍
All my love,
K 💛