How do other peoples opinion affect you?

Only you know what you truly want. And why you are where you are. And that’s all you need to focus on. 

What other people think about it, let alone how they feel about it, is really none of your business. Yet… they let us know what they think. Sometimes we’ve asked, and often we haven’t! 

You see the issue? The challenge here is we all have our opinions. So we see what others do and we have something to say about it! And vice versa! 

So try to keep in mind, this is a human condition. Based on our own experiences, we do have opinions. We’ve learned and just want to share what has/hasn’t worked for us. 

But often it is taken like we are telling people what to do, or what they are doing isn’t something we would do. This feels like disapproval, so providing your opinion to someone can be tricky. 

When I'm aware of being my best self I am able to sit with someone and say, oh that’s interesting, tell me more. Whether or not I agree, I try to allow someone their view without my 2 cents. (Not always easy, especially if you’re like me, who is open and has a lot to say)!

I think the hard part of sharing with others is that because we are hard on ourselves, we can take what others say personally, allowing us to feel like we aren’t doing it right. So we defend ourselves and now we are in a confrontation and that doesn’t feel good. 

All I can suggest is to kindly stand firm in your convictions, stay open to feedback, and don’t allow others' opinions to make you question your desires or your truth. You don’t have to agree with everyone, but you don’t have to defend yourself either. 

And when someone hits you with one of their opinions, at least see their view. Honor that we all have had different experiences which is why there are so many opinions in the first place. 

Another thing I try to do, is when I notice someone has become defensive, I try to acknowledge that maybe something I have said or the tone I’ve used has come across wrong. It’s still hard to own my stuff sometimes, but practice this when you can. 

You can say, oh I wasn’t looking for your opinion, I was just sharing. Pay attention to what this means to you. How we respond to others isn't often the others' fault. It’s about your self-talk and how you are translating their opinions. 

Like Wayne Dyer always said, ‘the good opinions of others are none of my business.’ 

Not always easy, these things, but with time, they become easier. I promise. 

All my love,

Kristi 💝

Life Coach & Mentor

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

No one size fits all


You are only responsible for you