Meditation 101

Do you feel centered and calm?

Meditation is not a new term thankfully. But it’s shocking to me how many people I talk to that ‘know they should’ meditate, but they don’t. (Remember, try not to should yourself. Do it, or don’t).

My oldest brother and I recently had an opportunity to spend an amazing week of quality time together. We had many interesting conversations about what we’ve learned lately and what we are both working on. Meditation is one thing he has tried, but hasn’t been very successful at. He knows he should do it but it just isn’t easy for him. Maybe you can relate? 

I realized it wasn’t because he didn’t have the time, it was mainly because of how he thought about it, which I think is what was making it hard for him.

He thought he had to quiet his mind, which he had tried, but he couldn’t do it. 

Quieting your mind is the goal. But like anything we do for the first time, we aren’t going to get it perfect right off the hopper. Start small. I’ve talked to you about quiet contemplation and inner reflection right? That's a small form of getting yourself used to being quiet and listening to your inner wisdom.

Please note: Meditation is not something you do once and gain a major benefit from. It’s like most skills you acquire. To enjoy the benefit, it has to be done consistently. You can’t head to the gym for 7 hours and get that hot bod. You know it takes ~1 hour/day, ~4-5 days/week for several months to notice the results of the work you put in. And to maintain it, it has to become your lifestyle. And the longer you do it, the better you get at it. 

Please google the scientific benefits to see the amazing effects it can have. I had listed them all here but I realized those actually are none of the reasons I’m motivated to meditate! Here's my reasons: 

  • allows my heart to slow and I feel almost instant peace

  • it's a place I go when I need to get clarity - on an idea, or a decision

  • I believe in energy and the powerful way being in that flow brings things I think about right into my life

  • It keeps me feeling aligned and powerful. With the universe/god or whatever that powerful presence is (it’s kind of like a high)

  • I KNOW it’s beneficial for my health and wellness

  • I believe it's helped my cardio, my deep sleeps and keeps me relaxed in uncomfortable situations

  • It allows me to dream, and visualize where I’m headed

  • It just feels good

If I miss a few days I can sure tell. I can feel ‘off’ and know that it's because I haven’t gotten quiet. It’s like a drug and I need my fix!! Another funny side benefit of this weird breathing meditation I have done for about 6 months now, is I can physically see my abs more than any ab workout has ever done! 

Want to know HOW? Here’s my take. Start with 5 minutes. Turn off your ringer and make sure you are alone and won’t be disturbed. 

Just breathe. One deep breath in, and one out. You can even hold your breath for a few seconds in between. Do this 10 times. This should take any edge off. 

There are many types of meditations. Guided ones are nice when you start out. It provides something for your brain to focus on. When I first started I thought about cats and jujubes. So weird. I don’t own either of those things. 😂 

Here’s some different kinds of meditation I use, depending on how I feel:

  • Guided meditation

  • Soft music without lyrics

  • Breath work

  • Deepak Chopra provides some free ones I’ve enjoyed. He discusses a topic for ~10 minutes and then you are quiet for 10 more

  • Sounds, mantra’s

There are no rules, no right way, so don’t stress over that. Like anything, you get to find your way and see what works best for you. I’ve stopped midway through one and changed it up. I prefer certain voices to others. I go anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour. I lay in my bed and get super cozy (no cross legged uncomfort for this girl)! Oh and yes, I sometimes fall asleep. I figure if I do, I must need it. 

So google ‘10 minute morning meditation’ or whatever it is you can do. I like morning ones as it sets my day up right. But you do you! 

Let me know what works best for you, or share with me your favorite one! I love Dr. Joe Dispenza. He goes really deep and it’s kind of weird at first, but it’s really good. I also love the calm and soothing voices of Jess Shepard and Sarah Raymond. 

Plus you can meditate on anything! Abundance, romantic partner, a perfect day, deep sleep. It’s so awesome! I can’t make you do it, but I really hope you do!! 

You will get good at this. Your mind will get to the quiet magical aligned place once you  practice, practice and practice. 

Man - I swear I’ll write on a shorter topic soon… 😽

Much love,


Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

Love the ones you’re with


Beauty - inside and out!