Beauty - inside and out!

You are gorgeous!

And you know all about beauty. It’s a billion dollar industry and intended to make us feel not good enough, regardless of your sex. No blame, just is…

I would bet, when you look good, you feel good. I’d also bet when you do good, you feel good. And when you witness good, you feel good.This email is about being both. I’m all about doing our best inside and out! 

But I think it’s important to put your inner beauty at least as important as your external beauty. Consider the time you spend on yourself. Are you updating your ‘look’ inside too? And it wouldn’t hurt to question why you focus on the external. (I’m right along beside you, doing the same things). Why do I feel I have to look like I’m on my ‘A game’ every time a guy comes over? Why do I feel the need to always have my nails perfect? I would think it’s because I like myself that way. But really? I’m digging a bit more these days…

  • My wish for you is that for every nail appointment, you listen to one podcast episode on gratitude, or something that fills you up and inspires you.

  • For every botox appointment, read 2 chapters on how to communicate better with your partner. (And if you’re single, still read it, and get ready for the person who is on their way to you!)

  • On your cool down from your workout - stay a while on your mat, quiet your mind and take some deep breaths for 10 minutes. Set a timer. 

I believe it’s so important to nurture the special place inside of you. Your brain, your heart, your health. Spend some time to relax, reflect, learn and listen. All of your answers are inside of you, but you need to create the container to hear it. These answers come from your inner guidance and you will receive them only when you are available to it. 

I guarantee, if you do these things, not only will you appear more beautiful, you will feel more beautiful. I’m not sure if being ‘hotter’ will get you the results your heart is really searching for.

I’ve found that I actually appreciate imperfections in others. It’s what makes us real. We’ve all got them, and even though we can fix them, sometimes I wish we didn’t. (And yes, appreciating other people's imperfections is much easier than accepting our own). 🙈

2 of my girlfriends had a snaggle tooth. A cute little tooth on the side that was a bit crooked. I loved it! They hated it, and both of them got it straightened, lol. I get it. But funny how I loved the look of it. A guy had a big scar on his cheek from hockey back in the day, and guess what? I really liked it! I guess I’m just saying that it’s not all about the cover… it’s the whole package that counts. 

I believe our real beauty (inside) is what anyone truly cares about. I also believe we like beautiful things. Just try to balance both. I think that is as close to perfect as we can get. 😘

Have an awesome day!

All my love, 

Kristi 💕

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

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