My guidance for a life well-lived.

I hope it resonates.

Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Meditation 101

Do you feel centered and calm?

Meditation is not a new term thankfully. But it’s shocking to me how many people I talk to that ‘know they should’ meditate, but they don’t. (Remember, try not to should yourself. Do it, or don’t).

My oldest brother and I recently had an opportunity to spend an amazing week of quality time together. We had many interesting conversations about what we’ve learned lately and what we are both working on. Meditation is one thing he has tried, but hasn’t been very successful at. He knows he should do it but it just isn’t easy for him. Maybe you can relate? 

I realized it wasn’t because he didn’t have the time, it was mainly because of how he thought about it, which I think is what was making it hard for him.

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