How's your energy?

Hello hello!

Here’s a snapshot of what I’ve been up to for the last 10 days of the Calgary Stampede - which basically consists of partying and socializing! I’ve been out 90% of the time, but each day I maintained my daily spiritual practice to stay aligned and get my energy centered and back to full.

I am blessed and so very grateful to the great people of Calgary. I’ve been invited to corporate parties, concerts, bull bustin’, party tents, dinner dates, charity fundraisers and garden parties. I had one day off out of ten and had a blast.

It’s really quite amazing how I’ve been able to turn up the energy it takes to sustain a happy positive mind set running at full throttle for so long. Whoever says alcohol is a depressant hasn’t met me. LOL.

I wanted to share with you how I’ve done this, and maybe you will try it out for yourself!

I wake up every morning being grateful for another day, for there are no guarantees of tomorrow. I put on my favorite 13 minute meditation before getting out of bed or dealing with messages on my phone.

This particular meditation from Marianne Williamson gets me to remember to surrender to the source from which I came. To bring light and love to everyone I encounter. To everyone I know and everyone I do not yet know. To know there is a path laid out for me. To bless everyone I meet and to be a vessel to be used for good.

I pray, “where would you have me go, what would you have me do, what would you have me say and to whom.” Centering myself this way cleanses my mind, just as a shower cleanses my body.

As I go forth into each day in this place, I’ve been astounded by the feedback I’ve received. Compliments on my energy came everywhere I went, from men andwomen. I was told I was full of spirit, a beacon of light, there’s something different about me, a breath of fresh air, no BS, feel better pixie dust… I’m not making this up!

It’s an example to show you what can happen when you are consistent to staying aligned with the authentic true nature of your soul. People just can’t help but notice you. I’m not special, I just do the work.

The feedback from others is what lets me know that people can definitely feel energy. I’ve been doing stampede for 20 years and this one by far has generated the most amazing connections and compliments. The only difference is my daily practice. I’ve gotten older in age and more beautiful on the inside. And when it feels this good, why would I ever stop?

Try it for yourself. Do a morning meditation, exercise, lots of water and a good sleep. But it still works with just the meditation. Ha, not all my sleep was restful. 😜

This is my formula when I need to be on my ‘A’ game. Which is every day to be honest. Why wouldn't I?

“When there’s a certain light in your eye, other people will notice you. Others who have it will resonate with you. Some won’t know where you got it, but they’ll want it too.” (A Course in Miracles).

I’m now looking very forward to my summer at the cabin. Let my liver and body rest now for a while!

If this meditation doesn’t resonate with you, please find one that does. There’s no ‘right’ path, only yours.

My favourite, most powerful daily mediation

All my love to you on this day, and everyday.
K 💛

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

A reason for living. One word.


What is conscious living?