You are only responsible for you

If you believe, like I do, that you create your own reality, then you can stop feeling bad about what’s happening to others. (This is very different from caring and loving and supporting those who have found themselves in rough waters). 

If you are the captain of your ship, then you must realize that everyone else has their own ship too. It’s true, some people allow others in their world to take their wheel and act as if they have no power. But don’t let that be you!

So today, try not to give your power away - to the conditions of those around you. Try not to be moved away from your source of power regardless of what’s happening. Again, it’s not about not caring. It is super important to give and receive love and support. But you don’t know why things happen, and how they happen and where someone else is on their journey.  

I know it feels tough sometimes especially when someone you love is being affected in life. We want to help, but so often we are powerless when it comes to another person’s journey. 

It is important to stay on your path. To take the time to stay connected to what is going on in your life and how to be OK no matter what is showing up for others. I often say, the best thing you can do for your loved ones is to heal your own stuff. That’s when you can show up with nothing but love to give them during life’s challenges.

Like Jordan Peterson says, ‘life can be hard.’ Tough times hit all of us, or will hit at some point. 

While things are smooth in your life, build up your arsenal of tools, so that when the tough times come, you’ll be able to handle whatever comes your way. It’s your life. That’s really the one life you need to be responsible for. 

And lot’s of people love you, through it all. 

All my love,

Kristi 💜

Life Coach & Mentor

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

How do other peoples opinion affect you?


Are you brave?