Are you receiving signs for your life?

Good day to you!

You’ve heard the saying, ask and it is given right? Sometimes the signs are subtle. Ever think about someone, and boom, you run into them or receive a text? This is a signal to you of how much power you have to affect your world. That your thoughts really do create things.

Are you paying attention to the signs of your life?

Something is listening to your thoughts. You decide what that something is. Energy, god, spirit, universal intelligence. When you become aware and pay attention, you will understand how truly powerful you are.

Do you ever have a question and within 3 days you somehow receive the answer? Tap into this force that is calling to you. Show gratitude to these signals that are reminding you that a) you’re not alone, and b) ask! And it is given.

You are more powerful than you’ve been taught. If you can co-create a text, what else would you like to receive? Believe, and it will reveal itself to you!

I can’t begin to explain how many ‘miracles’ I’ve witnessed and experienced. But it’s not for me to tell you what’s happened to me. Try it yourself. Become aware of this and build upon it. Then let me know how it goes!

I think we all need to dream bigger. Don’t worry about ‘how.’ It will be revealed to you. Of course action is required, but inspired action is way more powerful than trying to ‘make’ something happen.

Before you go out into the world, think about how you want your day to go. This is being intentional. This is creating your experience vs taking what comes. The only way to really know if it works, is to try it.

You are so powerful!

All my love and support,

Kristi 💛

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

How do you handle tough times?


How many versions of you are there?