My guidance for a life well-lived.

I hope it resonates.

Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Are you receiving signs for your life?

You’ve heard the saying, ask and it is given right? Sometimes the signs are subtle. Ever think about someone, and boom, you run into them or receive a text? This is a signal to you of how much power you have to affect your world. That your thoughts really do create things.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

The power of choice

How much time do you take to make a choice? Do you think about the consequences it will have?

This inSight was inspired by one of my best teachers, Carolyn Myss.

Technology has taken out the time we may have taken to make our choices more wisely. Be aware of this. I’m suggesting that you take a little more time in the receiving, contemplating and responding cycle of your decisions.

You may be asking, why? It’s because all choices have consequences and you can’t hide them, and they are immediate.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Feel a shift coming!

Have you ever had days when you just didn’t feel right? You were off. Like not as good as you are used to, and not sure why. Of course you have. My setpoint is actually quite high so when I’m not feeling ‘high’ it’s really obvious. But here’s what I’ve noticed - here’s what is happening - A big shift is coming! It’s like you just figured something out. Like an awakening.

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