Are you in fear or is your intuition trying to tell you something?

OK, so I’ve come upon this situation enough times to know it can be tough to tell which is which - intuition or fear.

Please note: my thoughts are my opinions and in no way meant to sound like fact. Your opinions may be different and that's just as cool! As with fear and intuition, there are many definitions and opinions out there. 

To me, intuition is your gut feeling, about something specific with a nudge to do something (right before you want to analyze it).

Fear is a feeling that you won’t get your desired outcome. It usually creates a standstill where you aren’t sure what to do. It makes you stay in the same place, since you fear the unknown. You can be scared of making a decision, not knowing what to do or what your next step should be. Fear also does absolutely nothing to help you. You are rarely running from the actual tiger in the forest... with your basic needs met, this is just something in your head. 

And not all fear is bad. It is there to alert us of danger. But I'd still bet that feeling is intuition. Saying get the heck out of there!

The challenge, is that you can have intuition and use fear to not follow the nudge. Or fear your intuition because you know you have to do something you may not feel ready for. ðŸ˜§

Personal example:
I was dating a guy for a couple years and we lived together. I kept getting the feeling that I couldn't trust him and wondered if he was the one for me. I would catch him in these silly white lies. Not a deal breaker at the time but honesty is such an important value to me, that it drove me nuts. 

'He isn't the one' is what my intuition was trying to tell me. And so I asked myself: Was I scared of commitment? Is this normal relationship stuff? Were my standards too high? 

I started buying books on ‘is he the one for me’ and ‘how to know if I should stay or go.’ I went to Reiki thinking maybe it was something in me that was blocked because I wanted to move forward, not live in fear and uncomfort.  I’ll try anything to move past an uncomfortable situation! 

Turned out once I had done enough research, it wasn’t actually anything else but the knowing I originally had that he wasn't to be trusted and not the one for me. 

In time, I got the courage to end that relationship and am so grateful that I did. (No regrets tho)!

In my life since then, I try not to doubt what my intuition is telling me, and just lovingly make the necessary changes that keep me in a good feeling place. Struggle is not necessary. Questioning and learning is great, but not struggle.

And when it comes to timing, I truly believe, you’ll just know when you know. You can talk to friends, family, therapists and your life coach & mentor 😜, but in the end, I know you’ll end up doing what’s best for you. This is the journey! 

Email me ( or DM me on Instagram if you need a hand trying to figure out whether you're in fear, or if your intuition is trying to tell you something. 

Try to keep a light heart. You will be OK, no matter what. 

Sending love,
Kristi 💞

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

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