What's your real issue?
Hello to you and your beautiful soul!
OK, so now what?
We’ve spent the last few weeks trying to understand why you do the things you do. The strategies (masks) you use to get the attention you didn’t get from childhood.
Here’s where we now choose to be honest and choose to show up as we are. Not perfect. Completely imperfect - and we let it be enough. You are enough, just as you are. Here are some ideas:
It’s OK to let people know you are learning and you very well may be changing - but for the better. Don’t confuse that with saying you are changing and then staying the same. Talk is cheap. Get into the fire and try doing things differently. You’ll learn as you go.
I’ll often say to someone, hey, because I’m practicing being more vulnerable, can I share how I’m feeling with you? (no one has ever said no).
Become aware of being triggered and share it. Ask to pause the conversation. Say, hmmm, something uncomfortable is coming up for me, and I’m sure it has nothing to do with you, but unless I get my ‘adult version’ in the room, the child in me who was hurt is going to take over and make things undoubtedly worse.