My guidance for a life well-lived.

I hope it resonates.

Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

No one size fits all

You are so unique!

And you are attracted to different things all the time. In this world we have so many choices! Diet, clothes, cars, books, beliefs, people, teachers, music. How awesome!

But with so many choices, we can become confused.

What resonates with you, is where you go. You are smart and don’t need to be told what to do. But definitely do something.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Beliefs that no longer serve you

You’ve heard me and many others say, that beliefs are just a thought you keep thinking. We think beliefs can’t be changed, or that this is just ‘the way I am.’ Last night in bed after a guided meditation on letting go of the past, I was in my glory of clear thoughts and utter relaxation. What came to my mind was a rope with a big tight knot in it. As I looked at the knot, it slowly began to unravel. What was left was just the rope. I instantly knew what this vision was telling me.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

How grace can touch your life

I write to you today because I have been surrounded by grace over the past week as I’ve been alone to mourn the loss of my amazing Dad. I’ve been following my guidance, for what my heart needs and I’m so grateful that I have. What I mean by grace, is a feeling of comfort, security and calm. An influence of spirit unexplained and not outside of myself.

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

A poem for you

If all your days are numbered, have you ever wondered yours?Have you been there and done that, or are there still more doors?You can’t explain your journey - where you’ve been or where you’re headed,Who has been important and of those, has all been mended?

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