Near death experiences

Hello hello to you,

When my Dad passed away almost 4 years ago, I was confused, hurt and wondered where the heck he had gone. Since my heart was broken, I knew I had to take some time to feel it and get to a place of acceptance.

One of the things I did in my 2 week hibernation period was to research near death experiences (NDE’s). There was nothing else that got me close to what happens when we die. So I listened to other people’s experiences.

An NDE is where you are alive consciously but considered dead physically.

The purpose of an NDE is to wake people up to the truth. To understand that you are loved beyond your capacity to understand it. They experience expanded states of awareness and love. It's one more path to awaken the soul/spirit. It's transcendent.

It often happens to people who are spiritually unconscious. It’s heaven’s way of selecting people who would never believe it. Then they are told to become messengers of the message. This has nothing to do with religion.

They say the experience is tough to explain. But interestingly enough, they all say it similarly. It’s the space between seeing your physical body, but not being in it. You're calm and it's extremely loving. In fact, none of them want to come back to ‘life.’ When they do come back, all they want to do is to get back to that feeling of love. (Not personal love or romantic love, just pure love).

There can be a life review - thoughts they've had and how significant their choices were. Who they cared for, how they cared and acts of kindness they experienced. They don’t only see it, they feel how the other felt and the impact they had on them (good and bad). You also see how you treated yourself.

It’s a familiar feeling - like coming home. But a love they’ve never known. Their life then looks like an illusion (the Budha talks of this, among others). That’s why they don’t want to leave. They’ve never experienced that kind of love.

An NDE can be a wake up call to remember a ‘soul contract.’ Some are shown it again and are reminded of what they had agreed to do on earth. (Once we get to earth we forget why we’re here).

If any of this is true, it seems the energy of your words, thoughts, actions and feelings are a bigger deal than anything else. No one was shown anything about their degrees, wardrobes, houses or accolades. It was often in the smallest moments. It’s about learning from your life experiences and how powerful you are. You have the power to hurt (yourself) and others and the power to help.

Kinda cool.

With love,
K 💛

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

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