Is your soul trying to get your attention?

The soul is something we all have. We too often pay attention to our minds, but not necessarily our souls. When you feel alive, it’s from the soul. It’s like you have a whisper in your ear that says, yes - this is who you are!

The soul is always there, yet we can ignore it. I believe there are things that happen in your life that represent the soul trying to call you home to it. But are you listening?

Here’s some things that might be happening:

  • What used to bring you joy, no longer does

  • Something inside of you is changing, you become more aware of this feeling

  • You begin asking yourself what am I really here for? What is my purpose?

  • You become curious about what’s not working in your life

  • You feel you are searching for something but not sure where to find it

  • Numbing yourself stops being satisfying (so the shopping, the addictions)

  • You feel bored and a bit ancy

Oftentimes when this happens, we reach for things outside of ourselves. Something is missing so you go about trying to fill you up externally. This is only a temporary fix.

The art of listening to your soul takes courage. All of a sudden you want to say no where you used to say yes. You question your decisions or at least the ones you’ve made up to this point. Change is a comin’! So what do you do?

First, you need to listen. This is all about becoming who you really are. And it’s beautiful. Some people currently in your life may fall away. You may want to change careers. You may begin trying things you always wanted to do but didn’t make the time for. Answers come to you about questions you only thought about in your mind.

The soul awakening is about seeking your truth. Having honest conversations and speakingyour truth. You can see why it takes courage.

Here’s a video I did on this topic and I’ll do a follow up on more things you can do about this in the future. Subscribe to my channel and you'll get notified when I put out new videos! I'd love the support. 😊

This is growth and evolution. Be open to new ways of thinking about yourself. It’s a journey - not a destination. Align your soul with your journey and you will find yourself at peace with an ignited desire for living and experiencing your life in a new way.

Reach out if you want some guidance by contacting me through this website.

"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."
-C.G. Jung.

"Don’t fear the light within. May it ignite the Sacred Flame in your soul."
-Paulo Coelho.

"In order to save myself, I must destroy first the me I was told to be."
-The Dreamer.

"Awakening is not changing who you are but discarding who you are not."
-Deepak Chopra.

All my love,

Kristi 💜
Life Coach & Mentor

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

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