My guidance for a life well-lived.

I hope it resonates.

Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Is your soul trying to get your attention?

The soul is something we all have. We too often pay attention to our minds, but not necessarily our souls. When you feel alive, it’s from the soul. It’s like you have a whisper in your ear that says, yes - this is who you are!The soul is always there, yet we can ignore it. I believe there are things that happen in your life that represent the soul trying to call you home to it. But are you listening? Here’s some things that might be happening:

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Kristi Hiller Kristi Hiller

Feel a shift coming!

Have you ever had days when you just didn’t feel right? You were off. Like not as good as you are used to, and not sure why. Of course you have. My setpoint is actually quite high so when I’m not feeling ‘high’ it’s really obvious. But here’s what I’ve noticed - here’s what is happening - A big shift is coming! It’s like you just figured something out. Like an awakening.

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