How much control do you really have?


I’m going to summarize a 1.5 hour talk by Srikumar Rao in this 5 minute read, because it was interesting to me and I hope it is for you! 

Taught by Srikumar Rao:

We are all control freaks. And here’s what he says:

You don’t have control,

You never had control,

You never will have control.

What we have is an illusion of control. Strive to achieve great things, but know you don’t have control. Interesting perspective right?

The more comfortable you get in knowing this, the more you don’t care about the outcome, the higher the probability is you’ll probably get the outcome. 

PARADOX: When you consciously give up control you actually achieve more control.

Have a goal, but be at peace regardless if you achieve it or not.

“The reason you feel stress and anxiety is that you have a vision of how the universe should be, and the universe isn’t playing ball with you.”

Beliefs are causing stress and anxiety. Here’s his 4 steps to relief:

1) Good thing, bad thing, who knows? (don’t judge anything) Watch my video for the example!

2) Invest in the process, not the outcome. Set the goal and forget about it. Spend time on the action (time and energy). Reaching the goal is outside of your control.

The destination is a mirage. The benefit of achieving a goal is the learning and growth you experience. If you get the goal - great, be grateful, but don’t obsess about the goal. You enjoy the journey more without the expectation of the outcome. The journey then, is all you have. 

If you don’t like the journey, it could be one of these 2 reasons:

  • You have negative mental chatter

  • You think maybe it’s not taking you in the direction you think your life should unfold

3) Is this a benevolent universe? (Is the universe friendly?) (Einstein)

So ask yourself - what if the universe was aware of you?

What if what you get is not what you want but exactly what you need? (at that instant for your learning and growth).

4) Make it a game. 

“All the world’s a stage and all of us are merely players.” (Shakespere) 

Turn an unpleasant situation into a game. Get them to laugh or smile. Try this in any negative situation. 

One’s entire life has been nothing but an attempt to exert control over some part of their internal and external environment. 

Haha, now what are you going to control??? 

All my love,

Kristi 😍

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

Have you been lonely, like me?


Today, do you accept yourself?