Do affirmations really work?

An affirmation is a positive statement that you believe or want to believe. Example: “My connections with others are meaningful and provide a positive impact.”

Here’s the thing - you have many built in affirmations already within you and they have become beliefs over time. So yes, they work!

Can you replace or add new ones to affect your current reality? Yes… BUT.

They have to be repeated, a LOT! The time it takes to create a new belief will be dependent on how consistent you are in downloading the new information. So, for example, you might want more abundance in your life.

Put up a post it note or add reminders in your phone where you will be reminded many times throughout the day to repeat the mantra. It does need to be believable. Suggesting you will make a million dollars in the next 6 months isn’t very believable.

“Abundance flows to me with ease.”

If you do this for one week and notice the many forms of abundance (friends, food, laughter, money) then you know it’s working. Maybe you aren’t sure it’ll work. Then this thought might take longer to ‘reprogram’ so you may need a month before results show up.

What I do know, is if you are committed and stick to it you will begin believing and will be shown signs for further belief.

Once this affirmation has become an automatic belief, try a new one. Something else you’d like. I know it sounds simple. The challenge is remembering to repeat your affirmation throughout the day, for many days. If you stop after 3 days it probably won’t work. That being said, it could after 1 day. Expect the result, but don’t be attached to when.

Here might be an old thought: “It’s tough to make new friends.”
New affirmation: “I meet amazing people everywhere I go. I’m excited to meet a new friend I connect with.”

This process is actually rewiring your brain, called reprogramming. Using affirmations is one of the tools.

You may not fully believe you can have what you want. Repetition is the only way to change this. That’s what learning is.

Here’s a few of my examples to get you thinking:

  • I’m always where I’m supposed to be

  • I’m guided, in touch with and follow my intuition

  • The right people show up and stay as they’re supposed to

  • I am blown away by the good that flows to me. Above my expectations

  • I stay in alignment and my heart powerfully leads me to all I need

  • I am patient, allowing my desires to show up at the right time

  • People are good, helpful, loving, kind

  • I kindly communicate my truth, ask for what I want and have healthy relationships

  • I am grateful for what life has given me and the direction I’m headed

What I did recently was record a big list of my current thoughts and beliefs on my voice memo app. It’s about 3 minutes and I listen to it every morning and night. Something about my own voice talking to me is cool. Maybe you’d enjoy doing this too!

Have an awesome day! 😘

All my love,


Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

Today, brag on you!


Do you ever get triggered?