Do you ever get triggered?

I have just recently looked at the term ‘trigger’ in a new light. The old idea is still very relevant, I’m just adding a new way to look at it, based on a conversation I had with my mentor.

I thought all triggers were a 'me' issue, but my mentor shared her view and it resonated in a new way with me. She makes her decisions based on how a situation or person(s) makes her feel - happy or unhappy. Her happiness means everything to her and she guards it well!

To be triggered is a response based on something that happens to you. You’ve been there, (we’ve all been there) - someone says something to you, similar to an unapproving parent for example and you react with anger or shut down. Maybe you smell a fragrance which takes you back to a bad experience and all of a sudden you are filled with anxiety or dread.

Triggers are interesting, and definitely a good place to see where you might hold old wounds. I’ve noticed, the more work I do on me, the easier it becomes to not react, and therefore, keep my power.

Like Wayne Dyer said, ‘what’s inside of you will come out.’ My goal is to have only love inside of me. Not always easy to do. 😳

Here’s the new way I also see triggers. As a reminder of what has hurt us, it’s our innate ability to pay attention and make a decision. So 2 options. Heal or protect.

There are many reasons people don't live or react from a place of love. Just don't make their reasons, yours. For example: If you trigger me because you're being mean, I may not change me, but I will protect myself from you. It’s important to look at each situation. Dig into what it’s really about. It can be a wound, but that doesn’t mean it’s your work to do. It could simply be there to protect you!

It’s like your inner child is saying - hey, when you were little, you didn’t know how to protect yourself and people hurt you. But now, you're an adult and have the power to decide what this means to you. When you go within for the answers, you won’t find blame, you’ll find the truth. And that’s the only place you’ll grow from. Heal it - or leave the people who trigger you. It’s really that simple.

You’re amazing and smart and your heart will know what to do. Feel free to email me and we can sort it out together. Don’t struggle too long, because you are here for JOY!

PS. It's been a month since the intuition challenge! I hope you've strengthened this muscle and have enjoyed the results! Please share with me if you want. 😊

All my love,
Kristi 🙌
Life Coach & Mentor

Kristi Hiller

I am an energetic gal who is captivated by the human condition. I believe in exploring all life experiences to learn and grow. Throughout my 20+ years of studying and learning to love and accept myself - no matter what, I have come to realize that there is no ‘right’ path or way to experience life, other than head on, with accountability, a sense of humor and lightness, and a knowing that only I can create my own reality. And this is true for everyone. You create your own reality. Let me help you get to yours!

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